
Rock-paper-scissors workshop for Azure Custom Vision showcase

MIT License



Code for "Rock-paper-scissors" game used at Azure Custom Vision hands-on workshop


  1. Azure Subscribtion
  2. Published Custom Vision iteration and access key
  3. NodeJS


Azure Subscription

Open Azure Portal - https://portal.azure.com

Create a new resource group

  • Open "Resource groups" module and add new resource group

  • Fill-in the form (Subscription - <your_subscription>, Resource group - "RPS_ResourceGroup", Region - "West Europe")

  • Click "Review + create"

  • Verify the values and click create

  • Wait until resource group is create and click "Go to resource group"

Create a new Custom Vision resource

  • Create new resource

  • Search for "Custom Vision" in the Marketplace and click on it

  • Click Create

  • Fill-in the form (Name - "RPSCustomVision", Subscription - <your_subscription>, Resource group - "RPS_ResourceGroup", Location - "West Europe", Pricing tiers for training and predition - "F0") and click create. Wait until resource is created

Create a new AppService resource

  • Open your resource group and verify that you now have two resources with "Cognitive Service" type and click "Add" to add another resource

  • Search for "Web App" in the Marketplace and click on it

  • Click Create

  • Fill-in the form (Subscription - <your_subscription>, Resource group name - "RPS_ResourceGroup", Name - <choose_unique_name>, Publish - "Code", "Runtime stack" - "Node 10.14", Operating system - "Windows", Region - "West Europe") and click "Change size" for App Service Plan

  • Select "Dev / Test" plan and "F1" pricing tier, then click "Apply"

  • Click "Review and create"

  • Verify values and click "Create"

  • Wait for Web App deployment

  • Open your resource group and verify that you have the following resources: App Service Plan, App Service and two Cognitive Services

Custom Vision

Sign in https://www.customvision.ai/ using created Azure account

Create a new Custom Vision project

  • Click "New Project"
  • Fill-in the form (Name - "RPS", Resource - "RPSCustomVision[F0]", Project Type - "Classification", Classification Types - "MMulticlass", Domains - "General") and click "Create project"

Upload and tag images

  • In Custom Vision project click "Add images"
  • Add images, select appropriate tag (e.g. paper) and click "Upload files"
  • Wait until upload is finished
  • Repeat for the other folders, wait until all images are uploaded

Train a model

  • In Custom Vision project click "Train"
  • Select "Fast Training" and click "Train"
  • Wait for training to finish

Manual validation

  • Click on "Quick Test"
  • Upload test image

Prediction correction

  • Click on "Predictions"
  • Select incorrectly predicted image
  • Assign correct tag and click "Save and close"

(Optional) Advanced training

  • In Custom Vision project click "Train"
  • Select "Advanced Training" for 1 hour and click "Train"
  • Wait for training to finish

Publish iteration

  • Open "Performance" tab, select finished iteration and click "Publish"
  • Fill-in model name, select "RPSCustomVision_Prediction" as prediction resource and click "Publish"
  • Click on "Prediction URL" to see your credentials

Web application code

Application based on code from NodeJS app on Azure example.


  • index.js - server-side logic
  • public/index.html - WebApp HTML template
  • public/css/app.css - WebApp CSS styles
  • public/js/app.js - WebApp Javascript logic

Local development

Local development is the same for all steps:

  1. Open "StepN" folder
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm start
  4. Open http://localhost:1337

Azure deployment

Azure dseployment is the same for all steps:

  1. Open "StepN" folder
  2. Run npm install
  3. Create zip archive with contents of "StepN" folder
  4. Open <choose_unique_name>.scm.azurewebsites.net
  5. navigate to Tools -> Zip Push Deploy
  6. Drag-and-drop zip archive to /wwwroot
  7. Open <choose_unique_name>.azurewebsites.net and verify that site is running

Code changes are described in respective steps:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6 (Final)