
A simple control interface for rspamd spam filtering system.


#Rspamd web interface


This is a simple control interface for rspamd spam filtering system. It provides basic functions for setting metric actions, scores, viewing statistic and learning.

##Rspamd setup.

It is required to configure dynamic settings to store configured values. Basically this can be done by providing the following line in options settings:

options {
 dynamic_conf = "/var/lib/rspamd/rspamd_dynamic";

Please note that this path must have write access for rspamd user.

Then controller worker should be configured:

worker {
        type = "controller";
        bind_socket = "localhost:11334";
        count = 1;
        # Password for normal commands
        password = "q1";
        # Password for privilleged commands
        enable_password = "q2";
        # Path to webiu static files
        static_dir = "${WWWDIR}";

Password option should be changed for sure for your specific configuration. Encrypted password using is encouraged (rspamadm pw --encrypt).

##Interface setup.

Interface itself is written in pure HTML5/js and, hence, it requires zero setup. Just enter a password for webui access and you are ready.

##Contact information.

Rspamd interface is distributed under the terms of MIT license. For all questions related to this product please see the support page