
This repository contains files used for learning various programming concepts



This repository contains files used for learning various programming concepts in the various programming languages I'm learning


1. Notification

In this folder, I've explored the Notification Browser API used to request the user for permission and sending notifications to the user from a web application or website. They send notifications to the user in the background. No external APIs are used to send notifications to a user.

2. Web-Components

I explore how to make custom HTML elements in JavaScript and using the Shadow DOM and using classes to declare the elements and export them for rendering on the HTML page. news-article.js is the file that contains the custom HTML element created and used in index.js file to finally parse JSON and render them on index.html.

3. Testing

Mocha is used for writing and running unit tests in JavaScript. I use it to learn how to write tests for my work, from the basics. More tests will be coming up frequently as I create more applications to improve my skills in writing tests.

4. Simple REST API

As for this folder, I create a simple REST API using Express, Mongoose, body-parser and Insomnia to test my API to return simple JSON data on bears. Mongoose is used as the Object Relational Mapper(ORM) to create and export the bear model.

5. File Upload

This folder contains a simple application demonstrating file uploading in JavaScript using ExpressJs, Multer and body-parser to submit multi-part files to uploads/ folder. Materialize CSS` is also used for making a simple UI, buttons and the form-fields for the simple prototype for the upload form.