
S-Expression Parser, Serializer, Interpreter, and Tree Constructor / Walker Utilities for JavaScript in Browsers and Node.js

MIT License


S-Expression Parser, Serializer, Interpreter, and Tree Constructor / Walker Utilities in plain JavaScript for browsers and Node.js with zero dependencies.

Feature Highlights

  • Parse S-Expression string to Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

    • AST data structure is JSON (ideal for program/data transfer or
  • Construct and traverse AST using helper methods

  • Serialize AST to S-Expression string

  • Support LISP-like comment syntax: line comment prefix ; and block comment guards #|, |#

    • Comments are stripped in the parsing process and therefore not included
      in AST.
  • Support JSON-compatible value types: boolean, number, null, and string with multi-line support and escaped quotation \"

  • Interpret AST as LISP-like functional notation (a.k.a Cambridge Polish Notation), convenient for making Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) that have similar syntax to LISP dialects (CLIPS, Clojure, Scheme, Racket, etc.).

    • Define your custom handlers in JS to evaluate expressions in a similar concept like in YACC/Bison or ANTLR but without the out-of-source file for code generation. With S-Expression.js, the minimum grammar is presumed to be LISP-like, so the parsing is taken care of, and all you just need to do is to define the expression evaluators which can be done all in-source.

    • The default transformed format is also JSON, so if you like, you can defer to another language for the evaluation part. Since this library is self-contained, and because JavaScript is widely supported, you can easily interop it with a sandbox in your application such that you retrieve just the JSON output to evaluate using features available in your host language.

    • JSON array and object types are used to represent function forms.

TL;DR: jump to Quick Start and hack away

⭐ Background

💡 Why make domain-specific languages?

All usual reasons for DSLs apply. Here are just a few use cases:

  • Custom data format that is more compact and easier to write than the target format schema

  • Custom command format for system interaction or utility (e.g. REPL shell, chat bot command, etc.)

  • Abstract away low-level/repetitive JS code so that developers/users can write in a high-level language for the business logic / query.

  • Allow clients to send a remote procedure in a safe DSL so that the server can interpret just what is allowed.

  • Alternative to adding programming logic to a dumb data format like JSON/YAML/XML when it started as a quick workaround at first, but then the logic grows.

🛠️ Installation

Option 1: install latest release on NPM to your Node.js project

npm install --save s-expression.js

Option 2: install from this repository source code

git clone https://github.com/NLKNguyen/S-Expression.JS

cd S-Expression.JS

# make it globally available on your machine; to undo: npm unlink
npm link

# then from your own project directory, make a link to this library; similarly to undo: npm unlink s-expression.js
npm link s-expression.js

# you can now require it in your JS source just like normal, e.g. const SExpr = require("s-expression.js")

🧪 Test

Run all test cases

npm run test

Run a specific set of test cases

npx tape ./tests/parse.js | npx tap-spec

npx tape ./tests/interpret.js | npx tap-spec

npx tape ./tests/helpers.js | npx tap-spec

Piping to tap-spec is optional, but it makes the output easier to read.

🚀 Quick start

API documentation is embedded at the bottom for reference.

parse(str: string): Array< number | string | Array >

Turns a raw S-expression string into JSON that represents an abstract syntax tree in which:

  • An expression is parsed as a JSON array
  • A number is parsed as a JSON number
  • A double-quoted string is parsed as a JSON string wrapped with literal double quotations, e.g. "\"example string\""
    • S.valueOf("\"example string\"") returns "example string" JSON string value
  • A boolean (true, false, #t, #f) is parsed as a JSON string of the value, e.g. "true"
    • S.valueOf("true") returns true JSON boolean value
    • Tokens that indicate boolean values can be configured
  • A null (null, #nil) is parsed as a JSON string of the null value, e.g. "null"
    • S.valueOf("null") returns null JSON value
    • Tokens that indicate null can be configured
      • Note: undefined is not configured, so it's parsed as a normal atom.
  • Any other token is parsed as a JSON string of the identifier, e.g. "a"
    • S.valueOf("a") returns "a" JSON string value

If the return is not an array (can check with S.isExpression), then it's invalid.

  1. Initialize
const SExpr = require("s-expression.js")
const S = new SExpr()
  1. Simple parsing root S-expression as a list
S.parse(`(1 2 3)`) // [1, 2, 3]
  1. Simple tree-walk on root expression with mixed value types
const ast = S.parse(`( 1 "a \\"b\\" c" true null d (e f ()) )`)

if (S.isExpression(ast)) {
    console.log(`ast is an expression: ${JSON.stringify(ast)}`)
} else {
    throw Error(`ast is not a valid expression`)

let index = 0
for (let e of ast) {
  if (S.isNumber(e)) {
        console.log(`ast[${index}] is a number with value: ${S.valueOf(e)}`)
  } else if (S.isString(e)) {
        console.log(`ast[${index}] is a string with value: ${JSON.stringify(S.valueOf(e))}`)
  } else if (S.isBoolean(e)) {
        console.log(`ast[${index}] is a boolean with value: ${S.valueOf(e)}`)
  } else if (S.isNull(e)) {
        console.log(`ast[${index}] is a null with value: ${S.valueOf(e)}`)
  } else if (S.isAtom(e)) {
        console.log(`ast[${index}] is an atom with id: ${S.valueOf(e)}`)
  } else { // S.isExpression(e)
        console.log(`ast[${index}] is an expression: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`)


ast is an expression: [1,"\"a \\\"b\\\" c\"","true","null","d",["e","f",[]]]
ast[0] is a number with value: 1
ast[1] is a string with value: "a \\\"b\\\" c"
ast[2] is a boolean with value: true
ast[3] is null: null
ast[4] is an atom with id: d
ast[5] is an expression: ["e","f",[]]

See ./tests/parse.js for more parsing examples



Please look at the unit tests for use cases in the meantime.


TODO: simple custom DSL example

Please look at the unit tests for use cases in the meantime.

👋 Author

👤 Nikyle Nguyen

🤝 Contributing

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you working with S-Expression easily in JavaScript!

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

🙇 Your support is very much appreciated

I create open-source projects on GitHub and continue to develop/maintain them as they are helping others. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You are free to modify and redistribute any way you like, even in commercial products.

I try to respond to users' feedback and feature requests as much as possible. This takes a lot of time and effort (speaking of mental context-switching between different projects and daily work). Therefore, if these projects help you in your work, and you want to support me to continue developing, here are a few ways you can support me:

  • 💬 Following my blog and social profiles listed above to help me connect with your network
  • ⭐️ Starring this project and sharing with others as more users come, more great ideas arrive!
  • ☘️ Donating any amount is a great way to help me work on the projects more regularly!

📝 License

Copyright © 2022 Nikyle Nguyen

The project is MIT License.

It is a simple permissive license with conditions only requiring the preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.


Table of Contents


Class of S-Expression resolver that includes parser, serializer, tree constructors, and tree walker utilities.

Creates an instance of SExpr. Optional options input for configuring default behavior, such as how to recognize null, boolean values as it's up to the programmer to decide the syntax. Nevertheless, here is the default that you can override.

 truthy: ['true', '#t'],
 falsy: ['false', '#f'],
 nully: ['null', '#nil']


  • options any (optional, default {})


interpret a parsed expression tree (AST) into data structures in according to a notation type, currently just "functional" notation which is similar to LISP dialects such as CLIPS, Clojure, Scheme, Racket, etc.


  • expression
  • context (optional, default {})
  • state (optional, default {scoped:[],globals:{}})
  • entity (optional, default this.ROOT)
  • E any

Returns any


strip comments from S-expression string


  • str string code which might have comments

Returns string code without comments


Parse a S-expression string into a JSON object representing an expression tree


  • str string S-expression string
  • opts any deserializing options (optional, default {includedRootParentheses:true})

Returns json an expression tree in form of list that can include nested lists similar to the structure of the input S-expression


Serialize an expression tree into an S-expression string


  • ast any parsed expression (abstract syntax tree)
  • opts any serializing options (optional, default {includingRootParentheses:true})
  • level (optional, default 0)

Returns any


Create an identifier symbol



const S = new SExpr()
const node = S.expression(S.identifier('a'))
// ['a']

Returns string symbol


Check if a node is an identifier, optionally compare to a given name


  • e any a node to check
  • id string optional id name to compare to (optional, default undefined)


const S = new SExpr()
const node = S.expression(S.identifier('a'))
// true
console.log(S.isAtom(S.first(node, 'a')))
// true

Returns boolean true if it is an identifier


Compare whether 2 nodes are identical


  • a any a node
  • b any another node to compare to

Returns boolean true if they are the same


Create an expression node


  • exps rest optional initialization list of elements

Returns json a tree node


Check if a node is an expression, and optionally compare to a given expression


  • e any a node to check whether it's an expression
  • s json optional expression to compare to (optional, default undefined)

Returns boolean true if it's an expression (and equals the compared expression if provided)


Create a boolean node with given state


Returns string a node with name corresponding to a boolean value


Check if a node is a boolean value, optionally compare to a given state


  • e any a node to check whether it's a boolean
  • b boolean optional state to compare to (optional, default undefined)

Returns boolean true if it's a boolean (and equals the given state if provided)


Check if a node is considered truthy. Anything but an explicit false value is truthy.


  • e any a node to check if it's truthy

Returns boolean true if it's truthy


Check if a node doesn't exist, a.k.a undefined


  • e any a node to check if it doesn't exist

Returns boolean true if it doesn't exist (undefined)


Create a null node.

Returns string a node with name representing null value


Check if a node is null.


  • e any a node to check if it's null

Returns boolean true if it's null


Create a number node


  • n number value of the new node

Returns number a node with number value


Check if a node is a number


  • e any a node to check if it's a number, optionally compare to a given value
  • n number an optional value to compare to (optional, default undefined)

Returns boolean true if it's a number (and equals the given value if provided)


Create a string node.


  • str string string value of the node

Returns string a node with string value


Check if a node is a string, optionally compare to a given string.


  • e any a node to check if it's a string
  • s string optional string to compare to (optional, default undefined)

Returns any true if it's a string (and equals the given string if provided)


Get a value content of a symbol (not expression).


  • e any a node to extract value

Returns any value


Get the 1st child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 2nd child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 3rd child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 4th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 5th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 6th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 7th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 8th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 9th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the 10th child of a node.


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any a child node if exists


Get the n-th child of a node. Similar to the shorthand first, second, third, fourth, fifth ... tenth, but at any position provided.


  • e any a node to get its child
  • n number position of the child node, starting from 1

Returns any a child node if exists


Skip the first child node and get the rest


  • e any a node to get its child

Returns any the rest of the nodes or undefined if the input node is not an expression