
Proof of concept for extracting text from pdfs uploaded to your project


Extract text from pdf uploads to

This is a proof of concept example of how to use lambdas on Zeit’s Now to annotate asset documents for pdf uploads to with the embedded text (if there is any).

Getting started

First change projectId and dataset in now.json to yours. Then run the following in the command line:

$ npm i -g now && npm i
# install dependencies

$ now secrets add SANITY_TOKEN <your token with write rights>
# add token to be able to patch asset documents

$ now
# deploy on now

When you have the URL for your deployment on Now, you can add it to a webhook for your project. Note that you want to point to the path /api/extract on your Now deployment.

$ sanity hook create
? Hook name: <Your descriptive name>
? Select dataset hook should apply to (Use arrow keys)
> <a specific of all datasets>
? Hook URL: <your domain on now>/api/extract

Feedback? Need help?

You're welcome to join the community Slack, or ping me on twitter, if you want to discuss this proof of concept.