
Sass unit tests in Jest

MIT License



sass-jest is a Sass preproccessor for Jest that lets you test projects with Sass. The API used matches the excellent sass-true library.


To use this in your project, run:

npm install --save-dev sass-jest

If you don't already have jest installed,

npm install --save-dev jest sass-jest

Modify your project's package.json so that the test and jest section looks something like:

    "scripts": {
        "test": "jest"
    "jest": {
        "moduleFileExtensions": [
        "transform": {
            "^.+\\.scss$": "sass-jest"
        "testRegex": "__tests__/.*\\.(js|scss)$"

Import the mixins to your test file, like any other Sass file:

@import "sass-jest";


sass-jest follows Jest's structure for writing tests by using describe/it.

@include describe('Zip [function]') {
    @include it('Zips multiple lists into a single multi-dimensional list') {
        // Assert the expected results
        @include assert-equal(
            zip(a b c, 1 2 3),
            (a 1, b 2, c 3)
        @include assert-true(true);
        @include assert-false(false);

Asserting an @error was raised

Using @error will cause the Sass compiler to bail out with the given message, to get around this sass-jest converts all @error calls to a return statement and handles catching the error message for you.

@function throws-error() {
    @error "Thrown error"

@include describe ('Error') {
    @include it ('Captures the error and asserts its value') {
        // Make sure you call the code that will throw the error within the "it" mixin
        $dummy: throws-error();
        @include assert-error-raised ("Thrown error");

Note: As @error is converted to a return, functions that call functions that raise errors will have different behavior.

Test CSS output from mixins

One can use the assert mixin to compare the compiled CSS that your code produces.

@include describe('css comparisons') {
    @include it('compares two blocks of css') {
        @include assert {
            @include output {
              @include font-size('large');
            @include expect {
                font-size: 2rem;
                line-height: 3rem;

Test Environment

If you do not have any tests that require jsdom then you can set Jest's test environment to node instead as this will reduce the startup time for your tests to run.

    "jest": {
      "testEnvironment": "node"


  1. Add switch to turn off @error converting
  2. Provide better error messages when a test fails
  3. Support source maps to show where in the sass file an error was raised
  4. Parse output blocks into an AST and strip whitespace/comments for less fragile comparisons