
Realtime Chat Application using long polling technique; implemented using Express.js, MongoDB and React.js



SaySomething is a simple real-time chat application implemented with long polling AJAX technique. React.js is used in front-end side, and Node.js / MongoDB is used in the back-end side.


##Tech Following technologies are used in this project:

  • react
  • webpack
  • webpack-dev-server
  • babel
  • redux
  • redux-actions
  • redux-saga
  • axios
  • node-sass
  • style-loader, css-loader, sass-loader
  • react-custom-scrollbars
  • express
  • mongodb
  • mongoose
  • nodemon
  • dotenv
  • eslint

##Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and runing on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • node.js 4.5.0^
  • npm 2.15.9^ (using npm 3.x is recommended)
  • MongoDB 3.0^ (or, you can host a databse from


  1. Install global dependencies

    npm install -g babel-cli webpack webpack-dev-server nodemon
    • babel-cli lets you use babel commands from console.
    • webpack lets you bundle the client-side codes and webpack-dev-server is a module for the development server.
    • nodemon restarts the node webserver whenever the code changes during development.
  2. Clone the project from github repository

    git clone
    cd saysomething
  3. Install local dependencies There are two directores: client / server. Go inside each folder and install the local dependencies.

    cd client
    npm install
    cd ../server
    npm install
  4. Create server/.env file .env file stores the PORT of the server and URI of the mongo database. Rename the .env.cpy file to .env, and fill in the value. If following file is not shown, toggle hidden files visibility. The local dependency dotenv loads this file and set the value of process.env.*



In development environment, you have to run dev script from both of the client and server directories (either open multiple terminals or use screen of UNIX)

cd client
npm run dev

Development server of client uses 4000 port, and it can be changed from client/config/ Hot-Module-Reloading is enabled in this development server. If you access http://host:4000/ and modify the code, the changes will applied immediately.

cd server
npm run dev

When the server runs in development environment, it will restart the server when the files get modified.

Building the source

Both front-end side and back-end side codes need to be built because both sides use ES6 syntax, and additionally, the front-end side uses webpack to bundle the codes.

To build, you have to run build script in both of the client and server directory as you did when you install the local dependencies.

cd client
npm run build
cd server
npm run build

Run the server

(You have to go through building process to do this)

cd server
npm start


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016 velopert.