
client-side static site generator / transformer



Makeup is a static site generator / transformer that (may) run completely on client side.

That means there is no "build" step required before you deploy your website files. And of course there is nothing to be installed (but a webserver).


  • better than static HTML

    • use "HTML template" page for common content shared by pages
    • write content in markdown
  • better than conventional (server-side) static site generators

    • minimal setup, no installation (easy for non-technical people)
    • easy to use, no template language required just plain HTML is enough
    • [TODO] optional use of template language (mustache)
    • [TODO] optional offline content generation
  • better than dynamic sites

    • faster (use static files)
    • edit content offline
    • [TODO] optional web UI to edit content

How it works

HTML template

Create a basic HTML "template" file where you must include jquery.js, markdown.js and makeup.js

 <script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
 <script src="/js/markdown.js" ></script>
 <script src="/js/makeup.js"></script>

Add an element to be the placeholder for the content:

 <div id="main"></div>

Add some javascript code to start-up makeup loading some config from a JSON file:

 <script type="text/javascript">
    $.getJSON("/pages.json", function(data){
       new Makeup('main', data.pages);

PAGES configuration

Create a JSON file with some metadata about your pages

    "pages": {
        "/": {"title": "makeup", "src": ""},

        "/mypage2": {"title": "makeup - page2", "src": "/page2.html",
                   "child": ["", ""]},

        "__404__": {"title": "not found", "src": "/_404.html"}

The key for pages is the URL route used to access the page. Its values contains some data point to the location of the actual data in the file system.

This example has only 3 pages:

  • A root page / with content in markdown from

  • mypage2 is composed of a HTML template "page.html" and content taken from 2 files with markdown. The template defines placeholder for the markdown content using an HTMl element with an ID. <div id="part1"></div> will receive the content from the file

  • __404__ is a special page that will be used when a URL is not in pages.json

content files

Content can written in plain HTMl or in markdown. Markdown will be processed by in the javascript library markdown-js.

By default makeup will guess the type looking at the file extension, but it can be explicitly set.

server configuration

A makeup up site is composed only of static files. But it does not have a mapping one-to-one for URL's and files.

The URL mapping is handling on client-side by javascript. The server needs to be configured to serve index.html for whatever URL that does not match a file.

For example in nginx we have:

server {
	#listen   80; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied

	root /path/to/your/site;
	index index.html index.htm;

	# Make site accessible from http://localhost/
	server_name localhost;

	location / {
		# First attempt to serve request as file, then
		# fall back to index.html
		try_files $uri /index.html;

page routing

When a page is accessed the first time in a session. It will always get the index.html for whatever URL.

On page load during makeup initialization it will:

  • look into the current URL location
  • find the matching page according to pages.json
  • send an AJAX request to fetch the content
  • after receiving the content, apply a filter if any (convert markdown to HTML)
  • insert HTML into page DOM

makeup will also handle every click to a link (a). Instead of just sending an HTTP to the given href it will try to match the URL to given route and send a request to retrieve only the content part.

It than manipulates the browser history to give the user the impression that he navigated to a different page.


If you are reading this at you can check the source for this page :)

The full source can be found on the github repo.

On the top it contains a menu so you can see it action...


By default, the content is loaded by ajax (so can not be crawled by search engines) - see roadmap below for possible solutions.


  • offline generation of HTML (make it crawlable using a static server)
  • server-side implementation (make it crawlable using a dynamic server)
  • support mustache templates
  • web UI to edit pages


Makeup is based on the idea that the pages in your website are divided in sections. Each page contains one or more section, and each section might contain other sections.

Makeup does not use any type of template system. Sections are inserted into a HTML document using the id of HTML elements as a reference to the position where the sections should be inserted.

Each section contains the following attributes attributes:

  • src (string) -> the path to load the section content
  • pos (string) -> the id of the HTML element where the section will be inserted
  • processor (function) -> function that performs some kind on transformation
    on the content (i.e. convert markdown to HTML)
  • child (list of section) -> the section might contain a list of child sections
  • title (string) -> only used if section is a page, this will be used as the
    title of the HTML document.

Create an instance of Makeup, it takes 2 parameters:

  • pos (string), to be used as section.pos for all pages.
  • pages (plain object) where: the key is the path location of the page,
    the value is a section.

By default the processor is guessed based on the src name. If the file extensions ends with a ".md" the markdown processor will be used. Use the processor value null to indicate no processing should be done.

If the pos of a child section has the same name as the src you can describe it by a single string:

child: [{src: '', pos: 'my_section'}]
// could be written as
child: ['']

You can add your own processor by registering it. For example the built-in markdown processor is registered like this:

Makeup.PROCESSOR_MAP['md'] = function(data) { return markdown.toHTML(data);};

development server

To test the site locally you should serve the files from a web server. Remember that you need some special configuration as explained in the server configuration section above.

If you have python installed you can just the provided It has no external dependencies, just put the script in the root of your site and execute the command:

$ python


Can I serve a makeup site on github pages?

Yes. But it has 2 caveats. First, you need to serve the site on your domain. Second, github-pages has no support for something like nginx try_files... the tricky is to use the 404.html to serve index.html. It works, but the browser will get a 404 as HTTP response if the first page accessed is not index.html. Actually this site is being hosted on github-pages :)