
querySelector/querySelectorAll shims that enable the use of :scope

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



querySelector/querySelectorAll shims that enable the use of :scope

What is :scope in the context of querySelector?

:scope, when combined with the immediate child selector >, lets you query for elements that are immediate children of a HTMLElement instance.

For instance, you might want to find all list items of an unordered list that is an immediate child of node:

var listItems = node.querySelector(':scope > ul > li');

This is effectively equivalent to using jQuery's find():

var $listItems = $(node).find('> ul > li');

See the Mozilla Developer Network article on :scope for more information.


Simply include the JavaScript file:

<script src="scopeQuerySelectorShim.js"></script>


  • Tests :scope support before inserting itself, and uses it if it's available
    • Falls back to an ID-based querySelector call against the the parent if not
  • Shimmed querySelectorAll returns a NodeList, just like the native method
  • Can be called on an element that does not have an ID
  • Can be called on an element that is not currently in the DOM
  • Modifies HTMLElement.prototype
  • Document.prototype's querySelector/querySelectorAll methods are not shimmed
    • :scope is not relevant at the document level
    • Use document.documentElement.querySelector instead without :scope


To run the tests:

npm install
grunt test


scopedQuerySelectorShim is licensed under the permissive BSD license.