
A screen bullets by LINE Chatbot and Vue3

MIT License


Screen LINE Bullets

You can use it on streaming platform(e.g. Twitch, Youtube...) by OBS.(If you don't know how to use, you could reference the article). It would be cool for your activities!


You need to run npm install to import dependencies and run npm run dev to start servers both of chatbot and frontend folder.

Because LINE Chatbot need SSL certificate, so you can deploy chatbot code to Heroku or run ngrok to get a domain which is contain SSL.

Chatbot as Backend

Run below commands:

npm install
cp .env.example .env # Input variables
npm run dev

LINE account

  • Got A LINE Bot API developer account Make sure you already registered, if you need use LINE Bot.

  • Go to LINE Developer Console

    • Close auto-reply setting on "Messaging API" Tab.

    • Setup your basic account information. Here is some info you will need to know.

      • Callback URL: https://{YOUR_URL}/webhooks/line
      • Enable Use webhook checkbox.
      • Verify your webhook.
  • You will get following info, need to fill back in .env file at chatbot folder.

    • Channel Secret
    • Channel Access Token (You need to issue one here)

Frontend as Screen Bullets

npm install
cp .env.example .env # Input variable
npm run dev


  • If your environment in localhost, input ws://localhost:3000 in .env variable.
  • Production environment inputs wss://YOUR_DOMAIN in environment variable.