
Secure, transport agnostic, message gossip protocol.



Secure, transport agnostic, message gossip protocol.

Any peer in the network can publish messages, which will eventually propogate out to the entire network via rounds of gossip between each node's peers.


Each published message is signed with the peer's private key, using ssb-keys. This means messages cannot be forged -- you can be sure that the messages you receive are from the peer that it claims to be, even if it came in from an intermediary.


Let's create a line of 3 peers and watch a published message propogate through them:

var gossip = require('secure-gossip')

var peer1 = gossip()
var peer2 = gossip()
var peer3 = gossip()

var p1 = peer1.createPeerStream()
var p2_1 = peer2.createPeerStream()
var p2_2 = peer2.createPeerStream()
var p3 = peer3.createPeerStream()

// 3 peers in a line, with peer-2 in the middle

// have p1 publish, and watch it propogate to p2 and then p3
  data: 'hello warld'

peer1.on('message', function (msg, info) {
  console.log('p1 message', msg, 'from', info.public)

peer2.on('message', function (msg, info) {
  console.log('p2 message', msg, 'from', info.public)

peer3.on('message', function (msg, info) {
  console.log('p3 message', msg, 'from', info.public)


p2 message { data: "hello warld" } from UHXoKlI2blLU0GaAC3G2sUSGBUOWY7yYpN7DhWQI2/Y=.ed25519

p3 message { data: "hello warld" }  from UHXoKlI2blLU0GaAC3G2sUSGBUOWY7yYpN7DhWQI2/Y=.ed25519


var gossip = require('secure-gossip')

var peer = gossip(opts={})

Returns a new gossiping peer. Accepts various options via opts:

  • keys - uses keypair keys for message signing. You can generate these keys
    yourself (using ssb-keys), or, if not
    given, a fresh keypair will be generated for you.
  • interval- how often to perform gossip with peers, in milliseconds. Defaults
    to 100ms. If set to -1, no automatic gossip will occur and you'll need to
    run peer.gossip() manually.


Returns a new duplex stream that can be used to exchange gossip with another peer.

Remember: create a new peer stream per pair of peers!


Publish a signed message to all of your peers.


Initiate a round of gossip manually, forwarding all stored messages to peers.


Stops gossiping (clears the internal setInterval timer).

peer.on('message', function (msg, info) {})

Event fired when a message is received from a peer.

  • msg is the original payload from the peer
  • info is an object, currently only having the field public,
    which is a string of the sender's public key


With npm installed, run

$ npm install secure-gossip
