
Starter SPA React/Redux app w/ basic runtime and build tooling


Seed App 2020

Starter React/Redux app w/ basic runtime and build tooling:

  • React Router (router)
  • Styled Components (styling)
  • Parcel (bundler)
  • Eslint (linter)
  • Prettier (code formatter)
  • Husky (commit hooks)
  • Volta (toolchain manager)


Install Volta if you haven't already:

curl | bash

Once Volta is installed and running in your terminal (you may need to open a new session), it will automatically switch to the node and yarn versions required by the project (per package.json::volta).

Then, install dependencies:


Running locally

yarn start

Building + deploying (Github Pages)

Modify BASE_PATH in .env to specify the base path at which the application will be hosted. This is typically simply /, when deploying an app to a custom host. For e.g. Github Pages, however, an app will be hosted at a URL like https://<username><reponame>/, so BASE_PATH must be set to <reponame>.

Once BASE_PATH is set, to deploy to Github Pages:

yarn deploy