
Sequelize virtual fields magic

MIT License



Sequelize virtual fields magic

What's it for?

This plugin for Sequelize adds some magic to VIRTUAL fields, so that they can be used the same as normal fields.

If a virtual field references attributes of an associated model, this can be defined in the model's definition and the required associations are loaded automatically by Model#find().

Why is this useful? You might, for example, want to build a Drupal-style framework where every model instance has a 'name' field which which may take its value from fields in associated models.

Current status

API is stable. All features and options are fairly well tested. Works with all dialects of SQL supported by Sequelize (MySQL, Postgres, SQLite) except for Microsoft SQL Server.

Requires Sequelize v2.x.x, v3.x.x or v4.x.x.

Version v1.0.0 onwards supports only Node v4 or higher. Currently, all tests pass on Node v0.10 and v0.12, but these versions of Node will no longer be tested against so this cannot be guaranteed in future releases.


Loading module

To load module:

var Sequelize = require('sequelize-virtual-fields')();
// NB Sequelize must also be present in `node_modules`

or, a more verbose form useful if chaining multiple Sequelize plugins:

var Sequelize = require('sequelize');

Defining virtual fields

Define the dependency of the virtual fields on other attributes or models:

// define models
var Person = sequelize.define('Person', { name: Sequelize.STRING });
var Task = sequelize.define('Task', {
	name: Sequelize.STRING,
	nameWithPerson: {
		type: Sequelize.VIRTUAL,
		get: function() { return + ' (' + + ')' }
		attributes: [ 'name' ],
		include: [ { model: Person, attributes: [ 'name' ] } ],
		order: [ ['name'], [ Person, 'name' ] ]

// define associations

// activate virtual fields functionality

Create some data:

// create a person and task and associate them
	person: Person.create({ name: 'Brad Pitt' }),
	task: Task.create({ name: 'Do the washing' })
}).then(function(r) {
	return r.task.setPerson(r.person);

Retrieving virtual fields

find() a task, referencing the virtual field:

Task.find({ attributes: [ 'nameWithPerson' ] })
.then(function(task) {
	// task.values = { nameWithPerson: 'Do the washing (Brad Pitt)' }

The associated model 'Person' has been automatically fetched in order to get the name of the person.

The fields and eager-loaded associations necessary (Person, Company) are deleted from the result before returning.

Ordering by virtual fields

You can also order by a virtual field:

	attributes: [ 'nameWithPerson' ],
	order: [ [ 'nameWithPerson' ] ]


The behaviour of find() in examples above works because of the definition of attribute, include and order in the Task model's definition, as well as the getter function get.


This plugin changes the normal function of Instance#get() and Instance.values in Sequelize.

Usually virtual fields are not present in Instance#dataValues and have to be accessed with Instance#get() or by <instance>.<attribute name>. This plugin alters that behaviour - virtual fields' values are added to dataValues before results are returned from Model#find(), and then calling get() basically just retrieves dataValues.

The purpose is for virtual fields to look and behave exactly like normal fields for getting purposes (setting is another matter!)


Errors thrown by the plugin are of type VirtualFieldsError. The error class can be accessed at Sequelize.VirtualFieldsError.


Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm run cover to check coverage. Requires a database called 'sequelize_test' and a db user 'sequelize_test' with no password.



Known issues

  • Does not work with use of association in place of model in include or order e.g. someModel.findAll({ include: [ {association: someAssociation } ] }) - throws error if encountered
  • No support for Sequelize.col() in order clauses
  • Crashes when using '.getXXX()' accessors to get many-to-many association if virtual fields defined in through model
  • Fails to remove all virtually included models (broken by recent changes to Sequelize, am working on a fix)

If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github.


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:

  • ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • add an entry to changelog
  • add tests for new features
  • document new functionality/API additions in README