
Easily generate web forms with data binding using a JSON template

MIT License


Table of Contents

About The Project

This project was created to quickly scaffold a settings UI or similar web form and binding it's data to be used in your JavaScript app. It generates HTML UI components from a template JSON. You can easily extend it with your own components!

Getting Started



npm install settings-ui


<script src=""></script>


Settings-UI comes with some basic styling. Not required, but you could install it like so:

Using a bundler

import 'settings-ui/dist/index.css';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />


Import it as module:

import SettingsUI from 'settings-ui';

Then use it like so:

// template from which the ui is generated
const template = [
    id: 'number',
    type: 'number',
    id: 'text',
    type: 'text',
    id: 'selection',
    type: 'number',
    values: [1, 2, 3],

const ui = SettingsUI();
// create ui and bind to a store object
const store = ui.bind(template);
// render ui


bind: function

Creates the ui from template and bind it's values to a store object. Returns a store object.

Name Type Description
template array Your template from which the ui is generated.
store object Optional Use a predefined object to store the inputted data. If not set, an empty one is created.
const ui = SettingsUI();
const store = {};
ui.bind(template, store);
store: object

Object that stores inputted data. Using the ids from template as keys.

Might look like this

  ballCount: 245,
  number: 3,
  section: {
    title: 'someText',
    speed: 23

console.log(store.section.speed); // => 23
template: array

Schema, that describes the settings data. Used to generate the UI.

Every object in the array defines one property in the settings store object.

Name Type Description
id string Required Used as property names for the store and for ids in HTML.
name string Short description. Used mainly for labels.
help string Help text. Used for titles or placeholders
type string Defines value type. Values can be number, text, boolean, section. Falls back to default HTML input types. These also define that type of element is generated.
description string Currently not used by core components.
name string Short description. Used mainly for labels.
min number For number: lowest possible number, for text: minimal character length.
max number For number: highest possible number, for text: max character length.
steps number Available steps for inputting numbers.
inputType string Forces specific elements: input, radio, selection.
defaultValue string Value that is used when no value has been set. E.g. when clearing an input field, this value is set.
values array Defines a set of possible values. Generates a HTML <select> or <input type="radio/>" element. Each value can be a direct value or an object with a name and value property. e.g.{name: 'one', value: 1}
options array For type = "section": Defines subtypes for a section.
onUpdate(newValue) function Function that is called whenever the value changes. Called with the new value as parameter.

Have a look at the example template file.

addChangeListener: function

Adds a listener that is called every time a value was updated.

Name Type Description
listener function Is called with a id and value as parameter.
ui.addChangeListener((key, value) =>
  console.log(`${key} was updated to ${value}`)

removeChangeListener: function

Removes a change listener.

Name Type Description
listener function Listener function to be removed.

render: function

Renders the UI. Returns an object for method chaining with following methods:

to: function

Renders to a specific HTML element.

Name Type Description
element HTMLDOMElement Element to render the UI in.
replace: function

Similar to to(element) but replaces the element with the generated UI.

Name Type Description
element HTMLDOMElement Element to replace.
get: function

Returns the generated element without appending it to the dom.


update: function

Updates HTMLElements with values from store.

Name Type Description
id string (optional) If defined, only updates specific element with id


Currently the Settings UI core can only handle a few basic types like input, selection, radio, checkbox, range and sections. You can however extend it to handle anything you throw at it.

Plugins can be registered when creating the SettingsUI Object:

const ui = SettingsUI({
  plugins: [],

A plugin is a simple function that can use following parameters:


Name Type Description
templateEntry object A single entry from the template array.
update function A function that updates the form data.

If the plugin function does not return anything (or null), the entry is skipped.

Otherwise you can return an object that can have following properties:

Returns: Object



Name Type Description
htmlElements array Elements to render on the webpage.
onStoreUpdate function Function that is called whenever the value in the store is updated. Receives the new value.


This is how you could handle a special message type with a clear button:

const plugins = [
  ({ id, type, help, defaultValue }, update) => {
    // only handle template entries with type = 'message'
    if (type === 'message') {
      const htmlElements = [];
      const text = document.createElement('textarea'); = id;
      text.placeholder = help || defaultValue || '';
      if (defaultValue || defaultValue === 0) text.value = defaultValue;

      text.addEventListener('input', e => update(;

      const clear = document.createElement('button');
      label.innerHTML = 'Clear';
      label.addEventListener('click', () => {
        text.value = '';

      return { htmlElements };

// then register the plugin
const ui = SettingsUI({ plugins });


  • slider, radio, checkbox components
  • dynamic lists: add function for handling lists with variable length


Contributions are welcome!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat: Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Commit messages

This project uses semantic-release for automated release versions. So commits in this project follow the Conventional Commits guidelines. I recommend using commitizen for automated commit messages.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Timo Bechtel - @TimoBechtel

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