
WebGL Shader Playground.

GPL-3.0 License


Shader Expo

🌅 🌈

WebGL Shader Playground.

ShaderExpo is purely dependency free shader editor made in Raw WebGL API. Experiment with basic webgl shaders on the fly.

Checkout ShaderExpo Case Study

📁 Features

  • Rich CodeEditor
  • Simple CodeEditor
  • AutoCompletion
  • Live Editing
  • Basic Debugging

Auto Completion

Inline Errors

Basic Meshes

Texture and Custom OBJ Model Loading

Example Shaders

👔 Avialable Uniforms

Name Type Description
uWorldMatrix mat4 I don't know
uViewMatrix mat4 I don't know
uProjMatrix mat4 I don't know
uTime float current frame time
mouse vec2 mouse postion
resolution vec2 canvas width, height
viewPos vec3 camera position
texture sampler2D default diffuse texture

🎲 Third Party Libs

  • Ace


  • Add 3D Models
  • More Shader Variables
  • Saving Shaders
  • OOP

Contributions are welcome.

Example Shaders are taken from

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:octocat: Author

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