
A JAMstack build tool starter for those who love Clojure


Shadow JAM

Project Abandoned

This project is no longer being developed. If you are looking for a toolkit to build super lightweight websites then I would highly suggest taking a look at and You get everything out of the box that this project was aiming at doing for smaller websites with a payload size of JS that this project would never be able to reach. If you are looking to build rich data intensive applications I would highly suggest taking a look at or which is a much easier to get started with in CLJS and more employable framework.

Starter (Not Production Ready)

A JAMstack build tool for developing PWA's with Clojurescript. This build tool is focused on capturing Better Web Practices.

  • Better Performance
  • Better Accessibility
  • Better Developer Experience
  • Better Project Completion Times

Demo at

Bootstrapped using the Browser Quickstart for Shadow CLJS

Inspiration & Prior art: GatsbyJS, Next, Preact-cli, SapperJS


  • Follow the PRPL pattern
  • 100/100 on Lighthouse audits out of the box
  • Work well as a JAMstack template on Netlify

Required Software

Running the Build Tool

Clone the repository. Then cd into it.

npm install
npx shadow-cljs server

This runs the shadow-cljs server process which all following commands will talk to. Just leave it running and open a new terminal to continue.

The first startup takes a bit of time since it has to download all the dependencies and do some prep work. Once this is running we can get started.

shadow-cljs run jam/watch

This will begin the compilation of the configured :app build and re-compile whenever you change a file.

To do a production release. Stop the watch process. Set up your service worker by running.

npx workbox wizard --injectManifest

Then run.

shadow-cljs run jam/release

Now the same url will have a production release that can be used for testing locally eg. Chrome Lighthouse Audits.

Why PWA's?

Progressive Web Apps are installable and live on the user's home screen, without the need for an app store

The browser can do a lot. It has a high level of device integration ( and with Web Assembly (reportedly running at 1.2x native code execution) it will be able to do a lot more in the future.

They are also installable on Desktop with Chrome right now.

The following images are from Google IO talks and illustrates the size differences of a native application to a web application. twitter-pwa pinterest-pwa





Disabled Javascript

Interesting developments with React


  • Pre-render HTML
  • Inline critical CSS
  • Optionally subset Google Fonts (possible to subset local fonts with more dependencies)
  • Works for index HTML on release when true in config
  • Use lazysizes for lazy loading images
  • Local image manipulation using Sharp in a similar way to gatsby-transformer-sharp
  • Optionally inline if under 10kb as Data URI Gatsby does
  • Generate Service Workers using Workbox
  • Setup HTTPS for Shadow-cljs
  • Use Hicada instead of Sablono to provide new features
  • Optionally run Lighthouse audits on public pages locally
  • Option to create static websites that have either no JS, minimal JS or the React Runtime
  • Automatic code splitting for routes
  • Assess Guess JS integration
  • Assess DataURI optimisations for SVG with mini-svg-data-uri
  • Process images using SQIP to generate SVG's in a similar way to Gatsby SQIP plugin.
    • Use 'svgo' to optimise the SVG if necessary
    • Use 'mini-svg-data-uri' on static images above the fold and inline into HTML.