
Meteor based hosted payment system for Shopify.

MIT License



Meteor based hosted payment system for Shopify. Provides a hosted payment page using Stripe that can be used with Shopify's Hosted Payment SDK.

1. Prerequisites

To use this system you will need a valid Stripe account, as it uses Stripe's embedded payment form, Checkout.

2. Installation

git clone
cd shopify-hosted-payments
meteor npm install

3. Running


First get your Stripe test publishable and secret keys from the Stripe admin. Then make sure you have your Shopify hosted payment HMAC key handy. With these values run the following:

STRIPE_PUB_KEY=pk_test_jNAR8E9b213jKUd32gfRpRo STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_jNAR8E9b213jKUd32gfRpRo SHOPIFY_HMAC_KEY=something meteor npm start

You can then access the hosted payment page at http://localhost:3000. Stripe keys are intentionally not committed to Git.



4. Customization

Application settings are controlled via the /config/settings*.json files. When running locally the /config/settings-dev.json file is used. When running in production /config/settings.json is used. The default checkout of this app includes basic defaults for all settings. Override settings to quickly customize the look and feel of the hosted payment page. All available settings are explained below.


  "public": {
    "paymentPage": {            
      // Shown on the Stripe checkout form
      "companyName": "Some Company Inc.",
      // Shown in the top left corner of the payment page
      "companyLogoUrl": "",
      // Shown centered on the payment page
      "backgroundImageUrl": "",
      // Redirect if Stripe checkout popup is closed
      "closedRedirectUrl": ""