My personal website built with randomly chosen technologies


My Personal Website


This static website is built with Eleventy.

Blog posts

Blog post data and content are generated in the following chain:

  1. The markdown files in posts provide the slug, title, content and optionally image (used for og:image).
  2. posts/posts.11tydata.js specifies the layout and prepares an OpenGraph image. If image is not specified in front matter, an image is generated. Regardless of image generation, the image is resized and optimized and saved into public/cached.
  3. _includes/post.njk renders the post page content and sets a permalink.
  4. _includes/base.njk render the entire content.
  5. (content only) Transformers optimize the HTML and images.

Blog posts are collected as a custom collection called posts. I didn't use tags for blog posts collection because I wanted to show a list of tags on each page and it was tedious to ignore the posts tag there.

The posts collection is used for the following purposes:

  • Render individual post pages.
  • Render the all posts page with blog/archives.njk.

Static assets

Static assets and non-markdown files are copied to the output directory by pass-through copy.

A special case is JPEG/PNG images. The imageopt transformer generates multiple image formats out of them and saves them into the public/cached directory. Files in public/cached can be cached forever because their file names have content-based hashes.



npm i -g yarn

git clone {this repo}


Add a new post

Create a new markdown file in the format of

The content should look like:

title: "Post title"
tags: [TagA, TagB]

Post content goes here.

Start a dev server

yarn start

It will build files and start a dev server. The build doesn't apply slow optimizations such as AVIF image format and Open Graph image generation. In order to enable the optimizations, use OPTIMIZE=1 or run yarn build.


GitHub Action deploys each push to the main branch to GitHub Pages.


  • hosting: GitHub Pages
  • domain registrar: Cloudflare
  • DNS: Cloudflare
  • CDN: Cloudflare

The domain is resolved to IP addresses of Cloudflare CDN. Cloudflare CDN serves static contents whose origin is GitHub Pages. Contents in the cached directory get a long Cache-Control header.

Other services:

  • web fonts: Google Fonts


This static website started as an Octopress blog. I re-wrote it using Gulp, added and removed React server-side rendering. Currently, it's built with Eleventy.