
Signature drawing surface and related services.

ISC License



sign-pad web component provides signature drawing surface and related services, featured by:

  • smooth & solid drawing experience
  • customizable background
  • A11Y:
    • sign-pad is focusable
    • Enter key 'commits' the change, if any (focusing out and firing change event if changed)
    • Escape key clears the signature
  • convenient export API:
    • export as SVG or canvas
    • opt-in trim whitespace around the signature if needed
    • configurable ink and fill (background) of the exported image
  • convenient interop API:
    • empty state reflected as property and attribute (for easy state-based styling and logic)
    • input event fired upon each signature drawing touch (including clear)
    • change event fired when the sign-pad looses focus if the content has been changed since it gained it

Here is a snapshot of a simple example of sign-pad usage in Vanilla JS CodePen:

Note: in the example above sign-pad is only the signature drawing surface; shadows, buttons and the image reflection are parts of the demo code.

See also:

Usage example

Example below shows an essence of sign-pad usage: initializaion, HTML, state-based styling and JS logic.

Staring with HTML/CSS:

<sign-pad class="pad"></sign-pad>

	.pad[empty] {
		outline: 2px solid red;

Now to the logic:

import 'sign-pad.min.js';

const pad = document.querySelector('.pad');

//	rest of the APIs are available via the instance:
pad.addEventListener('input', e => {});

const asSvg = pad.export('svg', { trim: true, ink: 'blue' });
const asJpg = pad.export('canvas', { ink: 'white', fill: 'black' });


Use regular npm install sign-pad --save-prod to use the component from your local environment.

Additionally, a CDN deployment available (AWS driven), so one can import the component directly:

import '';

Note: replace the x.y.z by the desired version, one of the listed in the changelog.

CDN features:

  • HTTPS only, no untrusted man-in-the-middle
  • highly available (with many geo spread edges)
  • agressive caching setup


Full API documentation found here.


Full changelog found here.


Security policy described here. If/when any concern raised, please follow the process.

Export to image examples

It is easy to export the signature as PNG / JPEG / WEBP, utilizing the canvas and toDataURL / toBlob APIs (see linked documentation for more info).

PNG example

In this example we'll use toBlob API. The accepted blob can further be sent to the server for storage or otherwise.

const signPad = document.querySelector('sign-pad');
const canvas = signPad.export('canvas', { trim: true, ink: '#00f' });
canvas.toBlob(blob => {
	//	'blob' holds the binary data of
	//	signature image in PNG format
}, 'image/png');

Note: in this example we trimmed the empty space around the signature and left the background transparent.

JPEG example

In this example we'll use toDataURL API. The accepted dataURL string can further be sent to the server for storage or otherwise.

const signPad = document.querySelector('sign-pad');
const canvas = signPad.export('canvas', { fill: '#fff' });
const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);
//	'dataURL' holds the dataURL data of
//	signature image in JPEG format

Note: when targeting JPEG, you should set the fill, otherwise the JPEG will get default black background since it has no transparency suppot.