
The simple, easy-to-use JavaScript SDK for Slack

MIT License


Slackey  npm version

There are already plenty of JavaScript libraries out there written for the Slack API. Why build another one? And more importantly, why use this one?

  • First-Class Web API Support: Most Slack SDKs have either limited API support outside of webhooks, or no support at all. With Slackey, a good web API experience is the focus.
  • Webhooks Support: With the release of v1.0, support for Slack's Incoming Webhooks is also available.
  • Dependable: Stability is another top priority for Slackey. Slackey is fully tested, and any issues and pull requests will be addressed quickly. Bug fixes will be prioritized whenever possible.
  • Frontend & Backend Ready: Slackey is committed to work in node, iojs, and even the browser (via browserify).
npm install --save slackey


let slackey = require('slackey');

Slackey uses three different types of clients for communicating with Slack, based on your use case:

  • API Client: Make calls to the Web API on behalf of one user (via their access token)
  • Oauth Client: Make calls to the OAuth API to create new access tokens for new users
  • Webhook Client: Make calls to any incoming webhook

API Client - Make Calls to the Web API

let slackAPIClient = slackey.getAPIClient('USER_ACCESS_TOKEN');

slackAPIClient.send(method, [arguments,] [callback(err, responseBody)]) - Call any Slack API method with an optional set of arguments. Authentication is automatically inherited from the client's authorized access token.

// Get the list of users on your team
slackAPIClient.send('users.list', function(err, response) {
  console.log(err, response); // null, {members: ...

// Post a message from your application
    text: 'hello from nodejs! I am a robot, beep boop beep boop.',
    channel: '#channel'
  function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response); // null, {channel: ...

Note on responseBody object: Because the response body is only propagated when ok: true (see Errors section below) we remove that property from the response that we return. We do this because it is redundant, and so that all properties are related to the resource/response and not the status of that response.


Any error object that occurs while making the request or recieving the response will be propagated to the callback.

Any failed results from the Slack API (where ok: false) will propagate a custom SlackError error object with the error message provided by Slack. Check for this type of error specifically to handle all possible, expected error cases.

slackAPIClient.send('channels.create', {name: 'mychannel'}, function(err, response) {
  if (err) {
    if (err.message === 'name_taken') {
      // Handle the case where the channel name already exists
    } else if (err.message === 'restricted_action') {
      // Handle the case where the authed user is restricted from doing this
    } else if (err instanceOf slackAPIClient.SlackError) {
      // Handle all possible slack errors
    } else {
      // Handle all other errors, like errors making the request/response
  // Handle the successful response...

Oauth Client - Authorize New Users

let slackOAuthClient = slackey.getOAuthClient({
  // Required
  // Optional
  apiURL:          // Defaults to: ''
  authRedirectURI: // (no default)

slackOAuthClient.getToken(code, [options,] [callback]) - Exchange a valid OAuth authentication code for an API access token via the 'oauth.access' Web API method.

Supported options:

  • redirectURI: The redirect URI used to get the provided auth code, if one was provided. Defaults to the authRedirectURI value provided to the constructor.
slackOAuthClient.getToken('USER_AUTH_CODE', {redirectURI: 'http://localhost:5000/slack'}, function(err, response) {
  console.log(err, response); // null, {access_token: 'XXX', scope: 'read'}


See Make Calls to the Web API "Errors" Section above.

Webhook Client - Make Calls to an Incoming Webhook

let slackWebhookClient = slackey.getWebhookClient('WEBHOOK_URL');

slackWebhookClient.send(payload, [callback(err)]) - Call your Slack webhook with a given payload & set of arguments.

    text: 'hello from nodejs! I am a robot, beep boop beep boop.',
    icon_emoji: ':ghost:'
}, function(err) {
  console.log(err); // null


Any error object that occurs while making the request or recieving the response will be propagated to the callback.

Any failed results from the Slack API (where response body is not ok) will propagate a custom SlackError error object with the error message provided by Slack. Check for this type of error specifically to handle all possible, expected error cases.

slackWebhookClient.send({"username": "monkey-bot"}, console.log)
// { [SlackError: No text specified] name: 'SlackError', message: 'No text specified' }