
Animation / tweening library, ideal for use with HTML5 canvas and or React

MIT License


Slik CircleCI

Animation / tweening library, ideal for use with HTML5 canvas and or React - Demo


Slik uses requestAnimationFrame to tween values over time. You can give it a single value, an array, or an object. Internally Slik converts these values to ImmutableJS ones, and returns the tweened values as ImmutableJS objects (unless only a single value is supplied).

Slik uses ImmutableJS so that when used with React you can keep your components pure (preventing updates if values have not changed) as ImmutableJS returns a new reference when updated, allowing quick checks for changes using PureRenderMixin for example.


Use npm to install slik.

npm install slik --save --save-exact

I'd recommend pinning to a specific version and using --save-exact and --save to add this to your package.json automatically.

Getting started

  1. Require slik in the file where you'll be animating.

    import Slik from 'slik';
  2. Setup the values you want to animate. These values can be contained in objects, arrays, or simply be single values. If you're animating a lot of values I'd highly recommend using objects as it makes it easier to refer to your values later.

    Note: these can be nested values.

    const initialValues = {
      headRotation: 0,
      leftArm: {
        upper: 0,
        lower: 0
  3. Create an Animation.

  4. Initial options: You can pass most of your config in here if you like, or add them using the methods with matching names.

    const animation = new Slik.Animation({
      from: initialValues,
      to: nextValues
      // Defaults below
      // duration: 500 (milliseconds)
      // delay: 0 (milliseconds)
      // fps: 120 (frames per second) I would not recommend changing the frame rate
      // ease: Slik.Easing.Linear
      // loop: false
  5. Using methods: Note: fluent API returns the same object for each method (except the playing method which returns a boolean). More info below.

    const animation = new Slik.Animation()
  6. Handle changes in values. Bind a callback to the update event & update your component or redraw your canvas.

  7. Canvas example

    animation.bind('update', function (values) {
  8. React example

    componentWillMount () {
      animation.bind('update', function (values) {
          values: values

Animation methods

  1. Set the values to tween from. Default: Immutable.Map().

    animation.from({hello: 0});
  2. Set the values to tween to. Default: Immutable.Map().{hello: 1});
  3. Set the duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default: 500.

  4. Set a delay in milliseconds before the animation begins. Default: 0.

  5. Set the frame rate of the animation (fps). Default: 120. I would not recommend changing this unless you intentionally want a less smooth animation.

  6. Set the easing function to use for the animation. Default: Slik.Easing.Linear. Note: you can easily create your own easing functions. More info on this below.

  7. Set whether the animation should automatically loop. Default: false.

  8. Invert the values that you are tweening to. E.g. {value: 1} would become {value: -1}

  9. Swap the from & to values to play in reverse.

  10. Start the animation. Alias: play

  11. Stop the animation, allowing you to restart from the beginning. Alias: reset

  12. Pause the animation, allowing you to resume from this point.

  13. Return whether the animation is currently playing.

  14. Return whether the animation is going to loop.

  15. Run a callback once before the animation is initially started (start event). Receives the animation's current values. Automatically unbound after triggered or animation stopped.

    animation.first(function () {});
  16. Run a callback once after the animation has completed (end event). Receives the animation's current values. Automatically unbound after triggered or animation stopped.

    animation.then(function () {});
  17. Bind a callback to a specific animation event (or all events). Alias: on More info on events below.

    animation.bind('type', function () {});
  18. Unbind a callback from a specific animation event (or events). Alias: off More info on events below.

    animation.unbind('type', function () {});
  19. Subscribe to an event (like bind), and return an unsubscribe function (unbind).

    var unsubscribe = animation.subscribe('type', function () {});
  20. Get the current value / values. Alias: value


Easing functions

There are a few easing functions available on Slik.Easing.

  • Linear
  • EaseInOutSine
  • EaseInSine
  • EaseOutSine
  • Dip
  • Spring


All events are called with the current values. These may be the initial values or next values if the animation has only just begun, or has ended.

  • all - called any time another event is triggered
  • start - called when an animation is started
  • stop - called when an animation is stopped
  • pause - called when an animation is paused
  • end - called when an animation completes (excluding loops)
  • update - called every frame an animation updates
  • loop - called every time an animation loops (if looping)

Custom easing functions

You can provide a custom easing function to ease your values. This function is provided with the following values:

  • progress - a value from 0 to 1 as to how complete the animation is
  • startTime - the time in milliseconds that the animation began (from
  • now - the current time in milliseconds (from
  • duration - the duration of the animation in milliseconds
  • fromValue - the value to tween from (single values, not objects)
  • toValue - the value to tween to (single values, not objects)

This function simply returns a value from 0 to 1 (or a number outside of this range if you are so inclined), that is used as a multiplier for the values in your animation.

For example a linear easing function simply returns the progress of the animation.

function Linear (progress, startTime, now, duration, fromValue, toValue) {
  return progress;

Most easing functions can be accomplished simply by returning a variation of the progress value. E.g.

function EaseOutSine (progress) {
  return Math.sin(progress * Math.PI / 2);