
A Slush generator for clientside and serverside JS projects

MIT License



A Slush scaffolder that generates JS projects for you (clientside, serverside, both clientside and serverside).

The generated project has live reloading on code changes (for both clientside and serverside, as applicable). The live reloading has been tweaked to be very fast to maximise productivity.

The stack is chosen to use as standard, vanilla technologies as possible. You write all your JS as normal JS (with ES6+ support). You write all your CSS as normal CSS (with CSS4 support). You also get all the conveniences of a modern stack with the productivity of a build system.

The stack uses npm scripts to drive the build targets using the CLI of several packages.


  • npm script for build tasks
  • ESLint for linting JS
  • Stylelint for linting CSS
  • Mocha & Chai for testing
  • Client (or standalone lib)
    • JS
      • Webpack for bundling with CommonJS require() support and ES import support
      • Babel for transpiling and polyfilling ES6+
      • Livereload for live reloading the UI when the code is changed on a watch
      • UglifyJS to compress built JS
      • React (optional)
    • CSS
      • PostCSS to add features to CSS
      • postcss-import to allow @imports to be bundled
      • postcss-url to allow files referenced by url() (images, fonts, etc.) to be bundled in CSS for performance
      • postcss-cssnext to allow for future CSS features (things that LESS and SASS introduced) to be used and to allow for CSS to be automatically patched to support older browsers
      • cssnano to compress built CSS
      • Normalize.css to make the default stylesheet more consistent across browsers
      • A minimalistic base stylesheet that can be configured with CSS variables (taken from Factoid; may make sense to make this a reusable npm module)
  • Server
    • Express for a fast, modular, minimalistic server that can be used to serve pages and/or services
    • Forever to make the server automatically restart on crashes
    • Nodemon to bring live reloading functionality for serverside code when developing
    • ESM for ESM support in Node


  • Debug Mocha tests or server code with npm run <target> -- --inspect --debug-brk
    • --inspect to start the debugger UI
    • --debug-brk to break on the first line so you have time to open the debugger
  • Do not use Webpack to import or require() your CSS from inside your JS. Do not use Webpack to bundle CSS into your JS bundles. If you do that, you can no longer share code between the client and the server.


  1. Install slush : npm install -g slush
  2. Install slush-js : npm install -g slush-js
  3. Scaffold : slush js


The generated project uses npm scripts to drive all of the build process so that nothing needs to be installed globally with npm. (Only slush has to be globally installed, and only when first generating the project.) The targets are described in the generated file.