
A light mail proxy to support your End to End automation test

MIT License



A light SMTP proxy to support your End to End automation test


What is the problem we try to solve ?

Test automation is the key component of quality software, we all love it. However one of the remaining challenge is the email testing because in test environment, we want to:

  • Receive the actual emails while we are running manual test to visual the email in our mailbox
  • Mock the email inbox while we are running test automation.

How does it works ?

SMTP MOXY act as a proxy for your smtp server. Then each time an email will be receive by moxy, it will decide to mock the email or forward it to the expected mail box. Example:

  1. SMTP MOXY is configured to mock all the email for the recipient on the domain.
  2. While running a manual test with the email [email protected], the email will forwarded to the recipient.
  3. While running an automated test using the email [email protected]
  • The email won't be forwarded to the reciepent
  • The email detail will be stored on SMTP MOXY memory cache ad be accessible through the url GET http://smtp-moxy.url/to/[email protected]

Getting started


Environment variables

Variable Description Default
LOG_LEVEL Logging level DEBUG
HTTP_PORT The port exposing the http server 8080
SMTP_PORT The port exposing the smtp server 465
MOCK_DOMAINE_NAME The domain name email that need to be stubbed
FORWARD_SMTP_SERVER_HOST The SMTP server host to forward the email
FORWARD_SMTP_SERVER_PORT The SMTP server port to forward the email 465
FORWARD_SMTP_SERVER_SECURE The SMTP server security to forward the email false
CACHE_TTL The time to live cache to store the stubbed email detail 6000 (milliseconds)


Docker Way

1 - Fetch the image

docker pull restqa/smtp-moxy

2 - Run the container (mock the email using the domain

docker run --rm \
  --net=host \
  -p 465:465 \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -e \
  -e \
  --name smtp-moxy \

3 - Send an email to using smtp-moxy to : [email protected]

docker run -i --net=host \
   --rm corentinaltepe/heirloom-mailx sh \
   -c 'echo "Backup executado com sucesso" | mailx -s "smtp-moxy test" -S smtp-use-starttls -S ssl-verify=ignore -S smtp=smtp://localhost:465 -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp-auth-user=your-smtp-username -S smtp-auth-password=your-smtp-password -S from="Restqa Labs <[email protected]>" -v [email protected]'

4 - Check The mock detail for [email protected]

docker run --net=host -it --rm --name jq endeveit/docker-jq curl localhost:8080/to/[email protected] | jq

The result

    "attachments": [],
    "headers": {
      "date": "2020-04-12T08:52:35.000Z",
      "from": {
        "value": [
            "address": "[email protected]",
            "name": "Restqa Labs"
      "to": {
        "value": [
            "address": "[email protected]",
            "name": ""
        "html": "<span class=\"mp_address_group\"><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\" class=\"mp_address_email\">[email protected]</a></span>",
        "text": "[email protected]"
      "subject": "smtp-moxy test",
    "text": "Backup executado com sucesso\n",
    "textAsHtml": "<p>Backup executado com sucesso</p>",
    "subject": "smtp-moxy test",
    "date": "2020-04-12T08:52:35.000Z",
    "to": {
      "value": [
          "address": "[email protected]",
          "name": ""
      "text": "[email protected]"
    "from": {
      "value": [
          "address": "[email protected]",
          "name": "Restqa Labs"
    "html": false

Kubernetes Way

Let say you want to deploy moxy in the tests namespace you will just need to run :

kubectl apply -f -n tests

The definition file includes :

  • config map
  • deployment ( 1 replicas)
  • service

You can still get insipire from our example definition file : kubernetes-manifest.yml


MIT License