
A photo bookmarking social site



A photo bookmarking social site

  • Uses Django for routing and templating
  • Uses JS and AJAX to like pictures, follow posters and have activity stream
  • Incorporates a bookmarklet that can be deployed on any non-SSL secure site
  • Social authentication using Twitter and Github
  • Use of Redis and Django ORM for ranking pictures

To do

  • Tidy up some of the display
  • Title should be gained from the alt-text tag

What have I learnt?

  • More experience using AJAX and incorporating JS into templates
  • More advanced use of the ORM
  • How to use social authentication
  • How to write a JS bookmarklet
  • Setting up activity stream
  • Setting up follower system
  • Use of Django thumbnail application
  • Use of Redis server as a key value store
  • Redis structure and syntax