
Template for solidity smart contracts

MIT License


Solidity template

Template for building testing and deploying solidity smart contracts


  • You need to have version of the solidity compiler installed.
    Install from your package manager or from the releases page
  • npm install

Adding private keys + infura keys

To deploy to testnet/mainnet, you need an account with some ETH for gas. Create a file called .secret with the private key of you account. No 0x prefix required

Contract development

Contracts compilation

If you have truffle globally installed, compile the contracts with

  • truffle compile

Truffle is also available at ./node_modules/.bin/truffle

Run ganache-cli

  • npm run ganache

Run Contract tests

  • npm run ganache
    In a separate terminal
  • truffle test

Test with events

truffle test --show-events

Deploy smart contracts to testnet

  • truffle migrate -f 2 --to 2 --network ropsten
    Notice you need a .secret file with a private key with some testnet ETH to deploy the contract

Testing on ropsten

Before testing, make sure to update the address of the contract in the test file

Test command:

  • npm run test:ropsten

Running coverage tests

Run a coverage test with: npm run test:coverage

This will create a .coverage directory, where you can explore coverage