
Space EdVentures center participant tracker.


Space EdVentures

Space Edventures is a point tracking system for participants of the Space Edventures centers, primarily located in Utah.

The App is built with a React (create-react-app) frontend and a Firebase backend.

Running Locally

git clone
cd space-edventures

npm install
npm start


There are several other packages used on the frontend:

The Layout is handled by several components in the Layout folder. Generic helpers that are used throughout the app are stored in the /src/helpers folder. Generic components that are used in multiple places in the app are stored in the /src/components folder, and exported in the index.js file, making them easily accessible. Generic styled components created with emotion are also included in this folder.

Main routes are configured in the /src/routes.js file. Sub-routes are configured in the /src/pages/index.js file.


It uses several different packages for CI/CD:

The app is deployed on Firebase. DNS and additional services are provided by Cloudflare.

The CI process runs for every commit and pull request, to validate that the tests are passing and the code meets standards. In addition, an automated process validates the code locally whenever there is a commit.

When changes are merged into the master branch, CI automatically validates, and then deploys both the app and the Firebase functions.