
Cross iframe communication made easy

MIT License


Spanan Build Status

Spanan is simple library for building Promise-based remote function invocation. It wraps one way messaging APIs (like window.postMessage, or chrome.runtime.sendMessage) with a Proxy object that returns a promise.


Given a iframe object:

const iframeWrapper = new Spanan((message) => {
  iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), '*');
const iframeProxy = iframeWrapper.createProxy();
const echoResponse = iframeProxy.echo(1);
echoResponse.then(response => console.log(response));

Spanan will send a message to iframe in a form:

  "action": "echo",
  "args": [ 1 ],
  "uuid": <some uuid>

To resolve echoPromise, iframeWrapper must handle the incoming message:

iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(;
    uuid: message.uuid,
    response: message.response,

Exposing API

Given a object that all own properties are function:

const actions = {
  echo(text) {
    return text;

Spanan can automatically respond to upcoming messages that matches the desired shape. By default upcoming messages must have 3 properties: uuid, action and args.

const spanan = new Spanan();
spanan.export(actions, {
  respond(response, request) {
      type: 'response',
      uuid: request.uuid,
      response: response,

Now, Spanan need to listen to upcoming messages:

window.addEventListener('message' (ev) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(;

Second argument for export is an options object that can configure default Spanan behavior, it has following properties:

  • respond(response, request) - being called for every messsage that was successfully handled
  • filter(request) - called for every message, if returns true, the matching action will be called
  • transform(request) - called for every positively filtered message. It must return an object with action and args properties. action is being used to match the name of the function that should be called, args are the arguments passed to the function.

Handling errors

Similarly to the way successful calls are handles, if a server action handler throws, a message can be send.

spanan.export(actions, {
  respondWithError(error, request) {
      type: 'response',
      uuid: request.uuid,
      error: response,

On a client side, the message containg the error is handled in a same way as normal response is, with the difference that response propery is replaced with error property.

window.addEventListener('message' (ev) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(;
    uuid: message.uuid,
    error: message.error,

Note that if the message passed to handleMessage has both response and error properties the response will take precedence.


Spanan uses Javascript Proxy API so require will work in Firefox >= 40 or Chromium >= 49.

Reasons behind Spanan

  • postMessage API is one way communication. Spanan makes it two way: a method
    call, return a value (via promise object).
  • Cross website communication tends to happen between server-server or
    client-server. Spanan works in client-client environment.


Test runner (testem) is integratrated with development server:

raureif test


Run tests in CI mode by:

raureif test --ci

Building for distribution

raureif build


Before submiting a pull request, please first create an issue describing what and why you would like to change. This workflow will ensure the development direction.

Migration from 1.x to 2.x

In Spanan 1.x exposing an API was done with static method Spanan.export, also messages were handled with Spanan.dispatch. This approach worked well in simple scenariors, but fail in cases of multiple exports or more then one import.

In Spanan 2.x those problematic static methods were replaced with instance methods.

Migration should be fairly easy. Lets consider following Spanan 1.x code sample:

  echo(e) {
    return e;
window.addEventListener('message', (ev) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(;

It can be replaced with this 2.x version:

const api = new Spanan();
  echo(e) {
    return e;
window.addEventListener('message', (ev) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(;