
Typescript compiler example for Spark AR


Typescript for Spark AR

UPDATE: v106+ supports typescript natively

Out of the box, the Spark AR JS runtime doesn't support things like async/await, or Array.includes. This project shows how to configure the tsconfig so it will compile your modern JS into something that plays nicely with Spark.

It's a bit of a hack, since there's not a complete source for Spark types, but they are referenced in the default tsconfig that is generated when you add a script to your project. As a result, typescript will complain about missing references. As far as I can tell, the compiler works fine, but the type checker will complain every time.


Install NodeJS LTS.

Install the dependencies:

  • cd scripts
  • npm i


Run npm start from the scripts dir to watch src/script.js for changes, and recompile during development.



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