
An easy & free way to collect sponsorships for your projects.

MIT License



  • Sponsor Ninja is an easy way to collect sponsorships for your projects.
  • With a simple and intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily set up the sponsorship and manage it.


  • You can self-host the project or use the web app on sponsor.ninja.
  • No worries it's free (donation based)!


After creating a project on the website you can embed a script to generate the widget.

via script

<script src="https://app.sponsor.ninja/widget.js"></script>
  new SponsorNinja({
    id: 'your-project-id',
    target: '#widget-container',

via npm

// npm i sponsor-ninja-widget --save
import { SponsorNinja } from 'sponsor-ninja-widget'

new SponsorNinja({
  id: 'your-project-id',
  target: '#widget-container'

You can pass following optional options:

  • color (default = "#0ac3c5") : the primary color of the widget
  • alignment (default = "center") : the alignment of the circles
  • position (default = "bottom") : the position of the modal

app directory

This is a Next.js application that handles the login and the creation of projects. It also provides the API that gets called by the widget.

Steps to run it locally

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
    git clone https://github.com/Vincenius/sponsor-ninja.git
  2. Navigate to the app directory
    cd sponsor-ninja/app
  3. Install the necessary dependencies
    npm install
  4. Setup a MongoDB database with three collections: users, projects and donations
  5. copy the .env.dist file to .env.local and set environment variables as described in the file
  6. Start the local development server
    npm run dev
  7. Open your browser to http://localhost:3000

widget directory

This is a webpack project that creates the widget.js and the npm package, which needs to be included on the page

Steps to run it locally

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
    git clone https://github.com/Vincenius/sponsor-ninja.git
  2. Navigate to the app directory
    cd sponsor-ninja/widget
  3. Install the necessary dependencies
    npm install
  4. update the .env file with your own values
  5. Start the local development server
    npm run dev
  6. Open the index.html in your browser for a widget preview

Deploy the widget

  1. copy the /widget/widget.js into /app/public/widget.js to provide the script
  2. publish the updated npm package: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-publish

Next TODOs

  • edit and delete projects
  • static html export of circles for email newsletter embed
  • more widget options
    • dark mode
    • limit donations display
  • minify and improve file size
  • email input for payment receipts
  • more payment methods
  • cron job to cleanup old pending donations
  • add tests

Created By

Vincent Will : Twitter Follow
