
Discord Auth Microservice for Space Station 14

GPL-3.0 License


SS14 Jerry Auth

This tool provides easy-to-use interface to connect discord account with Space Station 14 account.

[!NOTE] As this tool was developed for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 14 purposes I've included given table, so we could process some sponsor stuff like sponsor crates, etc.

Technical Details

As I said before, this app was developed for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 14 in Space Station, so it have given table you may not need, but it allows to manage some giving stuff inside game once a long time. Like with wipe system.

This app also supports(of course it is) token refreshing, it checks if token valid every time you make a request, so you can be sure your request will be succeeded.


  1. Generate Link

    • GET /api/link
    • Description: Generates auth link for user.

    Query Parameters:

    Name Type Required Description
    userid string Yes state parameter for future link, should be SS14 UserId
    api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security

    Response: Status Code: OK(200)

       "link": "LINKHERE"
  2. Get Roles

    • GET /api/roles

    • Description: Returns user roles on specific guild

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      userid string Yes SS14 UserId of the player to get roles from
      guildid string Yes Discord GuildId to get roles from
      api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security

    Response: Status Code: OK(200)

      "roles": ["role1", "role2"]
  3. Check Auth

    • GET /api/check

    • Description: Checks if specific user is authenticated

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      userid string Yes SS14 UserId of the player to check
      api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security

    Response: Status Code: OK(200) | NotFound(404) - Depending on the result

  4. User retrieve

    • GET /api/user

    • Description: Retrieves user from database by netUserId or by discordIdd

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      id string Yes Id of the player to check
      api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security
      method string Yes SS14 or Discord method of Id
  5. Is Given

    • GET /api/is_given

    • Description: Checks if given flag is set to 1

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      userid string Yes SS14 UserId of the player to check
      api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security
      method string Yes SS14 or Discord, influence on what id server is waiting for

    Response: Status Code: OK(200) | No Content(204) - Depending on the result

  6. Set Given

    • POST /api/given
    • Description: Sets given flag
      • Query Parameters:

        Name Type Required Description
        userid string Yes SS14 UserId of the player to check
        api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security
        method string Yes SS14 or Discord, influence on what id server is waiting for
        given integer Yes Flag itself, between 0 and 1

    Response: Status Code: OK(200)

  7. Wipe Given

    • POST /api/wipe_given

    • Description: Sets all given flags to 0, for all users

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security

    Response: Status Code: OK(200)

  8. Deletion

    • POST /api/delete

    • Description: Should be self-explanatory, but this route is turned off by default, set DELETION_ALLOWED in .env file to enable it.

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      id string Yes Id depending on method field
      method string Yes SS14 or Discord(ss14/discord)
      api_token string Yes Api Token of the app for security

    Response: Status Code: OK(200)

      "response": "OK"

Internal Routes

  1. Callback Route
    • GET /auth/callback

    • Description: Internal route to process auth for users. Add this route for your discord application in callback field.

    • Query Parameters:

      Name Type Required Description
      state string Yes To be decoded from base64 and represented as userid
      code string Yes Discord code to exchange


[!IMPORTANT] This app was designed for being behind some reverse proxy like nginx or Apache2. I haven't tested it in other environments.

git clone
cd ssj_auth
npm install
mv .env-template .env
nano .env # make some changes so it would be applicable to you, all fields should be self-explanatory
node app.js # probably should setup some daemon for it


  • Performance Improvements:

    • Add indexes to the database to enhance lookup speed.
    • Optimize the /api/check route (considering indexes as a potential solution).
  • Database Support:

    • Add support for additional database types.
  • Feature Enhancements:

    • Introduce more routes for handling interactions with the Discord API within the game.