
đŸŽļ Spotify Clone

MIT License


🚀 Built with

This project was developed with the following technologies:

📱 Images/gifs

🆕 New feat - Animated music player

ℹī¸ How to run


To run the application you will need:

The Application was developed using Expo. It is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to facilitate the process of running and testing applications. Click here to get start with Expo.

Now clone the repository and install the dependencies.

# to clone the repository
git clone

# go into the project folder
cd spotify-clone

#install the dependencies

In order to run the application on your device, you need to change the ip config in 2 places.

  1. package.json
  "server": "json-server --host -p3333 db.json -w"
  1. api.js
  baseURL: '',

replace with your machine's ip.

Now with everything on place, run the json-server that has the application data and then run the app.

# to run the json-server
yarn server

# to run the app
yarn start

Expo will open a page in your browser, scan the QRcode on the page and wait for the app to load.

The Application was developed and tested on Iphone 6s


  • Animated music player
  • Profile Page

📄 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information

đŸ“Ŧ Get in touch!

Made with ☕ and ❤ī¸ by Stefano Saffran.

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