
app that fetches stock prices, compares them to defined references and triggers alerts

MIT License



Command line app that fetches stock prices, compares them to defined references and triggers alert if necessary.

How to use

  • Run this app e.g. once per day to fetch prices,
  • it will create its own price database,
  • that allows for comparing stock prices to past ones.
  • For example: "If the price of stock A is less than 5% of its value of yesterday trigger an alarm"
  • Alarms will be printed to stderr and also result in a non-zero return code.
  • This way you could embed this app in some infrastructure that sends emails containing stderr on failed jobs.


  • The app can scrape or parses prices from websites or APIs, via an extensible parser mechanism. You can add
    your own favorite website via a parser (see bellow).
  • If want less output (only the alerts), just skip stdout by appending > /dev/null to your command.


Using the docker image is most convenient. It brings its own nodejs installation an does not need to be downloaded explicitly.

docker run -v $(pwd)/example:/workdir schnatterer/stock-alert


You can also run it with a local node js instance.

yarn install
cd example
node ../src/cli/main.js


All configuration is done via config.json that is read from the working directory. See example/config.json

Price database

The stock prices are read from and written to a prices.json in the working directory.

Add own parsers

There is one exemplary parser implementation (including a test) but you can easily extend this for your favorit stock website:

  • Just provide an <name>parser.json in the src/parsers folder that scrapes/parses the price of your stock from a URL.
  • In config.json: set the source of a stock to <name>.

Example (let's set <name> to paul):

docker run -v $(pwd)/example:/workdir -v $(pwd)/src/parsers/paulParser.js:/app/src/parsers/paulParser.js schnatterer/stock-alert

PRs for new parsers welcome.

More feature ideas

  • config contains readable name
  • Alerts: Display readable name and stock url
  • global alerts
  • Parser: yahoo finance API
  • gzipping prices for more efficient storage of huge numbers of prices
Extracted from project README
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