
Portable encrypted storage for JavaScript apps

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Storeroom is an encrypted key-value store, with some simple filesystem-like elements added on. It's designed for storing relatively small amounts of data -- think password management and other kinds of credentials or notes that you'd want to keep secure. It has been developed for use in web and command-line applications, and is implemented as a JavaScript API.

Its storage design aims to obfuscate contents as much as possible while supporting its API in a performant manner and making it work well on the web, and with cloud storage providers. It currently supports the following storage systems:

  • Dropbox
  • Local filesystem
  • localStorage
  • RemoteStorage

CAVEAT EMPTOR: this is early-stage software and is still in active development as it is integrated with downstream applications. Although the storage has been designed with future-proofing in mind, we may still make breaking changes. Usage is entirely at your own risk.


npm install storeroom


To create a store, you call storeroom.createStore() with a password and an adapter. The password is used to run all the encryption operations and, once created, the store is unreadable without the right password. The adapter determines which type of backing storage you want to use.

For example, to create a store backed by the filesystem:

var path      = require('path'),
    storeroom = require('storeroom');

var store = storeroom.createStore({
  password: 'your super secret password',
  adapter:  storeroom.createFileAdapter(path.join(__dirname, 'secrets'))

This call does not actually write anything to disk immediately; data is only written when you begin reading or writing using the store object. This object has the following methods:

store.put(String name, Object value) -> Promise

This saves an item into the store. The name must be a pathname-like string, like /foo, /api-keys/amazon or /notes/bank_details.txt. The value can be any JSON-serialisable object. If the given name already exists, its value will be overwritten.

It returns a promise containing no value when the data has been written to disk.

store.put('/users/alice', { name: 'Alice Smith' });

store.remove(String name) -> Promise

This deletes an item from the store by its name. It returns a promise containing no value when the data has been written to disk.


store.get(String name) -> Promise Object

This retrieves an item from the store and returns it in a promise. It returns a promise that will yield a copy of the object that was saved using put().

store.get('/users/alice').then(function(value) {
  // value == { name: 'Alice Smith' }

store.entries(String name) -> Promise Array

This retrieves a list of the names of all the items stored in a certain directory. It returns a promise that will yield an array of the items in the given directory, relative to that directory. Items that are themselves directories will have names ending in /. This method does not search the directory recursively.

store.entries('/users/').then(function(list) {
  // list == ['alice']

Storage adapters


The filesystem adapter is created by supplying the pathname to a directory in which to store the files on disk.

var pathname = path.join(__dirname, 'store'),
    adapter  = storeroom.createFileAdapter(pathname);


The localStorage adatper is create by supplying a prefix for the keys to use when storing items in the storage, and optionally the type of storage you want to use. This object can be any object with setItem(), getItem() and removeItem() methods; the default is localStorage.

var adapter = storeroom.createLocalStorageAdapter('prefix');

var adapter = storeroom.createLocalStorageAdapter('prefix', sessionStorage);


The Dropbox adapter is created using a credentials object that you need to obtain by asking the user to connect their Dropbox account to your app. Use this method to start the connection process, which opens a new window:

var dropbox = storeroom.connectDropbox({
  key:      '3hco9uik0qgw0gcw',
  callback: ''

dropbox.then(function(credentials) {
  var adapter = store.createDropboxAdapter(credentials);

storeroom.connectDropbox() takes the following options:

  • key: the 'app key' for your application, which you can find via the Dropbox
    developer site
  • callback: a URL on your site that handles OAuth callbacks; this is explained
  • type: optional, this specifies which type of OAuth flow to perform, either
    'token' (the default) or 'code'
  • secret: if you set type: 'code' then you must supply this; it's the 'app
    secret' that you can find via the Dropbox developer site

You should treat the credentials object as opaque, and don't assume it will keep the same fields over time. However, you can serialize it using JSON.stringify() if you need to store it for later use.

Handling OAuth callbacks

To handle OAuth callbacks, you need a page on your domain that Dropbox can redirect back to. All this page needs to do is use a bit of code from storeroom to handle the callback and pass the result back to your main page.

Create a minimal HTML page, something like this:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>OAuth 2.0 Acceptor</title>
    <script src="./acceptor.js"></script>

acceptor.js should be a file containing the result of building this code with Webpack, Browserify or your favourite module bundler:


You may need to register the URL of this page with Dropbox in advance in order to allow redirects to it.


The RemoteStorage adapter is created using a credentials object that you need to obtain by asking the user to connect their RemoteStorage account to your app. Use this method to start the connection process, which opens a new window:

var remote = storeroom.connectRemoteStorage({
  address:  '[email protected]',
  scope:    'storeroom',
  client:   'Storeroom Demo',
  callback: ''

remote.then(function(credentials) {
  var adapter = store.createRemoteStorageAdapter(credentials);

storeroom.connectRemoteStorage() takes the following options:

  • address: this is the user's RemoteStorage address
  • scope: the name of the directory on their storage that your app will use
  • client: the name of your application
  • callback: a URL on your site that handles OAuth callbacks

You should treat the credentials object as opaque, and don't assume it will keep the same fields over time. However, you can serialize it using JSON.stringify() if you need to store it for later use.

To handle OAuth callbacks, refer to Handling OAuth callbacks.


If you need to integrate with a store not supported here, you can implement that yourself. Storage adapters are simple objects that must implement the following interface: name) -> Promise String

read() should take a filename and return a promise for the contents of that file, or a promise for null if the file does not exist.

adapter.write(String name, String data) -> Promise

write() should take a filename and a string of data, and write the data to the file, returning a promise indicating completion. data may be null, in which case the adapter may delete the underlying file.

Any object supporting this interface can be passed as the adapter option to storeroom.createStore() and everything should work.

For example, here is a conforming implementation that stores data in memory:

var MemoryAdapter = function() {
  this._contents = Object.create(null);
}; = function(name) {
  return Promise.resolve(this._contents[name] || null);

MemoryAdapter.prototype.write = function(name, data) {
  if (data === null)
    delete this._contents[name];
    this._contents[name] = data;

  return Promise.resolve();

Storage design

The following section is advisory; the storage design may change in future releases and you should not write code that is coupled to it. This description refers to values being 'encrypted' or 'randomly generated' -- see the 'Cryptography' section below for definitions of these terms.

All the details of how Storeroom stores your data can be demonstrated by the following example that writes two items to the store:

var storeroom = require('storeroom');

var store = storeroom.createStore({
  password: 'I was there',
  adapter:  storeroom.createFileAdapter('store')

store.put('/users/alice', { name: 'Alice Smith' });

store.put('/users/bob', { name: 'Bob Jones' });

The first thing that Storeroom does when you save a value is it checks whether a file called .keys exists, and creates it if not. This file is called the master keys file and contains three randomly generated values:

  • A 256-bit hashing key
  • A 256-bit encryption key
  • A 256-bit signing key

("File" in this example refers to a file on disk. If you're using a different type of adapter, it might refer to a localStorage entry, a file in Dropbox, etc.)

These values are concatenated and encrypted using the password that you configured the store with. The result is written as a single base64-encoded blob to the master keys file, with a byte at the front containing metadata about the encryption parameters used.

store/.keys     {"version":1}

Like all the other files that will be explained shortly, the master keys file begins with a JSON header that identifies the version of the storage format it uses.

Once the master keys file exists, we can write the items into the store. The store works a little like a hash table. It consists of a series of files whose names are a single digit or letter. To find the right file to read or write an item, we hash the 'filename' for the item (like /users/alice) using HMAC-SHA-256 with the hashing key from the master keys file, and use the trailing bits of that hash to determine which file to use.

Once we've picked a file to use, we can write the item. Each file consists of multiple lines, where:

  • The first line (the header) is an unencrypted JSON object containing
  • The second line (the index) is an encrypted sorted list of the names of the
    items in this file
  • Each remaining lines (the items) are the encrypted values, ordered to
    correspond with the names in the index

For example, here's how the item /users/alice -> { name: 'Alice Smith' } is written into a file. The name /users/alice is added to the index on the second line, and then the JSON encoding of the value is added to the items in the corresponding position. If the file is empty initially this leaves a single item in the file:

store/M         {"version":1}
                {"name":"Alice Smith"}

(The index and items are shown here without encryption. In actual use, these values are encrypted as will be explained shortly.)

The item names in Storeroom look like filesystem pathnames, and indeed Storeroom has a few filesystem-like features. For example, if you create the item /users/alice, then you can ask for the items in the virtual directory /users/ and get ['alice'] in response.

To support this, as well as writing the item itself, Storeroom maintains indexes of the directory structure. It stores directories in the same way as regular items, where the value of a directory is a sorted list of the items within it.

In our example, the item /users/alice is in the /users/ directory, which itself is in the / directory. Here's an example where the / directory is stored in the same file as /users/bob. The directory appears in the index along with regular items, and its value is a list of its sub-items. If an item in a directory is itself another directory, its name ends with a trailing /.

store/A         {"version":1}
                {"name":"Bob Jones"}

The /users directory in this case is in its own file.

store/P         {"version":1}

These examples show the index and items unencrypted, but in actual use they are encrypted as follows. When an item is written to the store, a random encryption key and a random signing key are generated for the item; these are the item keys. The item is encrypted using the item keys, and the item keys themselves are encrypted using the encryption and signing keys from the master keys file. The item key and item data ciphertexts are concatenated and written together as a single base64-encoded blob. New item keys are generated every time the item is updated.


Values that are described as 'encrypted' above are generated by vault-cipher, which is backed by the crypto module in Node, and asmCrypto in the browser. Briefly, this performs the following steps:

  • Given a 256-bit encryption key and a 256-bit signing key,
  • Generate a random 128-bit IV
  • Encrypt the value using AES-256-CBC with the encryption key and the IV to
    create the ciphertext
  • Sign (IV || ciphertext) using HMAC-SHA-256 with the signing key to create the
  • Return (IV || ciphertext || tag)

The random IV here and the random keys generated for the master credentials and item keys are generated by crypto.randomBytes() in Node, and crypto.getRandomValues() in the browser, where available.

For the master keys, which are encrypted with the store password, the password is run through PBKDF2 to generate the encryption and signing keys.


This module is designed to replace the storage backend in Vault, a password manager I maintain. Its original design simply stored all the saved items in a large JSON structure, which was serialized and encrypted as a single file. This caused a number of problems, namely:

  • Looking up a single item requires decrypting the entire storage.
  • Listing the available item names requires also decrypting their contents
  • Having a single file increases the likelihood of write collisions when using a
    sync service like Dropbox, resulting in lost updates.
  • The design of the file format itself did not allow for changes to its design
    over time in any simple way.

Storeroom is designed to solve these problems while maintaining a high degree of protection for all data stored in it. For example, unlike some other encrypted stores, it encrypts the item names, not just their data, and uses random IVs by default so that the same data does not encrypt to the same ciphertext more than once. This protection has been traded off against the ease of performing certain common operations on the stored data, for example:

  • Looking up a single item only requires decrypting the master keys, the index
    for the file containing the item, and the item itself. No other item rows are
    decrypted, and the directory depth of the item is not a factor.
  • Due to the directory indexes, we can list the items in a directory just as
    quickly as looking up a single item, without decrypting the data that those
    item names refer to, and without storing the item names themselves in
  • Using a hashtable-like structure with multiple files reduces the size of
    requests when those files are sent via the web, and reduces the likelihood of
    write collisions and lost updates. Some storage adapters (for example
    Dropbox), use optimistic locking to ensure a client has the latest version of
    a file before allowing a write to succeed.
  • Line-wise storage of items makes recovery easier to diagnose and fix by hand
    in the event that syncing does result in lost updates.
  • The indirection provided by the master and item keys means the master password
    can be changed without rewriting the entire data store, or an individual item
    can be re-encrypted likewise.
  • The files and the individual rows are annotated with metadata that will allow
    us to upgrade the encryption algorithms used on a per-row basis over time,
    without losing existing data.