
An addon for Storybook which allows the addition of badges to your Stories

MIT License


Storybook Addon Badges

Using @geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges you're able to add badges to your Storybook app.



npm install @geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges --save


yarn add @geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges


In your .storybook/main.ts you'll need to load @geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges into Storybook:

// .storybook/main.ts
module.exports = {
  stories: [],
  addons: ['@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges'],

Optionally, you can define custom badge styles in .storybook/preview.ts.

// .storybook/preview.ts
import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
import { BADGE, BadgesConfig, BADGE_LOCATION } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    badgesConfig: <BadgesConfig>{
      beta: {
        styles: {
          backgroundColor: '#FFF',
          borderColor: '#018786',
          color: '#018786',
        title: 'Beta',
      deprecated: {
        styles: {
          backgroundColor: '#FFF',
          borderColor: '#6200EE',
          color: '#6200EE',
        title: 'Deprecated',

export default preview;

New features

  • You can now define the location of each badge in the config

Badge Locations

You can import a list of locations for badges using the following import:

import { BADGE_LOCATION } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

You can then set the badge location via the config object:

badgesConfig: <BadgesConfig>{
  beta: {
    styles: {
      backgroundColor: "#FFF",
      borderColor: "#018786",
      color: "#018786"
    title: "Beta"

If the location is not set, or the location array is empty, the badge will be displayed in the toolbar.

Please note that there is a known quirk of the sidebar location, which means that it only renders for the currently active story.

Upgrade to Storybook 7

As Storybook 7 has removed the addParameters method, we need to migrate to exporting a preview object. Thankfully it's not too dissimilar to what we had before.


// .storybook/preview.ts
import { addParameters } from '@storybook/react';
import { BadgesConfig } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

  badgesConfig: <BadgesConfig>{


// .storybook/preview.ts
import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
import { BadgesConfig } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    badgesConfig: <BadgesConfig>{

export default preview;

Please be aware that it's now advised that stories use CSF format with external MDX files just for the docs page. As such, this addon won't officially support MDX story format, but it'll probably work just fine.


Optionally, you can define more complex tooltips for any of your badges.

// .storybook/preview.ts
import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
import { BADGE, BadgesConfig } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    badgesConfig: <BadgesConfig>{
      beta: {
        tooltip: {
          title: 'This is Beta',
          desc: 'Be ready to receive updates frequently and leave a feedback',
          links: [
            { title: 'Read more', href: 'http://path/to/your/docs' },
              title: 'Leave feedback',
              onClick: () => {
                alert('thanks for the feedback');
      deprecated: {
        title: "Deprecated",
        tooltip: 'This component is deprecated, please avoid using it.',

export default preview;

The key for each badge will be what's used throughout storybook to invoke that badge.

I tend to define each key as an enum when using TypeScript, or even an Object in plain JavaScript to avoid using magic strings.

Don't worry if you haven't defined a badge which you use later, any badges which aren't recognised fall back to the default preconfigured grey.

Tip: If you prefer, instead of using the addParameters function, you can also export const parameters containing a full parameters object.

// .storybook/constants.ts
export enum BADGES {
  STATUS = 'status',
// .storybook/preview.ts
import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
import { BADGE, BadgesConfig } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    badgesConfig: <BadgesConfig>{
      [BADGE.STATUS]: {
        styles: {
          backgroundColor: '#FFF',
          borderColor: '#018786',
          color: '#018786',
        title: 'Status',

export default preview;

Preconfigured badges

You can import a collection of preconfigured badges using the following import:

import { BADGE } from '@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges';

You can then use these badges by passing in the following enum values:


Should you wish to override these styles you can do by configuring a badge with the same key:

// .storybook/preview.ts
import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
import { BADGE, BadgesConfig } from "@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges";

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    badgesConfig: <BadgeConfig>{
      [BADGE.STATUS]: {
        styles: {
          backgroundColor: '#FFF',
          borderColor: '#018786',
          color: '#018786',
        title: 'Status',

export default preview;

Valid options for the styles configuration are:

  • backgroundColor
  • borderColor
  • borderRadius
  • borderStyle
  • borderWidth
  • color
  • fontSize
  • fontFamily
  • fontWeight
  • lineHeight
  • textTransform
  • paddingInline
  • paddingBlock

Breaking Changes

The previous color and contrast properties have been deprecated and have now been removed. Please migrate to the styles property.

Component Story Format (CSF)

All Stories

The following will apply the badges to all components within your Story:

import { BADGE } from '@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges';

export default {
  title: 'Path/To/MyComponent',
  parameters: {
    badges: [

const Template = () => <h1>Hello World</h1>;

export const FirstComponent = Template.bind({});
export const SecondComponent = Template.bind({});
export const ThirdComponent = Template.bind({});

Individual Stories

You can also selectively add badges to each Story:

import { BADGE } from '@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges';

export default {
  title: 'Path/To/MyComponent',

const Template = () => <h1>Hello World</h1>;

export const FirstComponent = Template.bind({});
FirstComponent.parameters = {

export const SecondComponent = Template.bind({});
SecondComponent.parameters = {
  badges: [BADGE.STABLE],

export const ThirdComponent = Template.bind({});
ThirdComponent.parameters = {
  badges: [BADGE.OBSOLETE],

Removing Badges from Stories

When applying Badges to all Stories you can selectively remove them too:

import { BADGE } from '@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges';

export default {
  title: 'Path/To/MyComponent',
  parameters: {
    badges: [BADGE.BETA],

const Template = () => <h1>Hello World</h1>;

export const FirstComponent = Template.bind({});
export const SecondComponent = Template.bind({});

export const ThirdComponent = Template.bind({});
ThirdComponent.parameters = {
  badges: [],