
Inspired by Angular intended to provide complex Nodejs Graphql Backend applications with minimum effort.

MIT License



Really easy GraphQL API framework build on top of NodeJS inspired by @Angular

Build with @rxdi - reactive Extension Dependency Injection Container working inside Browser and Node

Created to provide complex backend scalable applications with minimum effort.

For questions/issues you can write ticket here

Starting project for less than 1 minute via Gapi-CLI

Heroku Ready!

Basic starter project has Heroku Easy Deploy Button!

Amazon ServerLess Ready!

Check Example

Part of the frameworks and techniques used without which Gapi would not exist 💌

IoC Containers are DI frameworks that can work outside of the programming language. In some you can configure which implementations to use in metadata files (e.g. XML) which are less invasive. With some you can do IoC that would normally be impossible like inject an implementation at pointcuts.

Advanced Starter Example and production build

Video Tutorials

Starting tutorial with some explanation
Start gapi a graphql server with Workers advanced(DOCKER)
Start gapi a graphql server with Workers in 2 minutes(DOCKER)

Integrated external modules:

@Gapi-Amqp-PubSub (Internally)

Installation and basic examples:

To install this library, run:
npm install @gapi/core

Simplest Gapi server

import { CoreModule } from '@gapi/core';
import { Controller, Module, Bootstrap } from '@rxdi/core';
import { Query, Type } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInt, GraphQLNonNull } from 'graphql';

export const UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'UserType',
  fields: () => ({
    id: {
      type: GraphQLInt,

export class UserQueriesController {
    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt),
  findUser(root, { id }, context): UserType {
    return { id: id };

  imports: [CoreModule.forRoot()],
  controllers: [UserQueriesController],
export class AppModule {}


You need to create tsconfig.json with following content

  "compilerOptions": {
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true


ts-node index.ts

Or execute the following command to set these options on runtime:

export TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS='{"experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true}' &&
ts-node index.ts --compilerOptions $TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS

To add configuration click here

Graphql Federation

import { FederationModule } from '@gapi/federation';
import { Bootstrap } from '@rxdi/core';

    port: 4000,
    willSendRequest({ request, context }) {
      request.http.headers.set('authorization', context.headers.authorization);
    serviceList: [
      { name: 'accounts', url: 'http://localhost:9000/graphql' },
      { name: 'products', url: 'http://localhost:9001/graphql' },
).subscribe(() => console.log('started'));


import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server';
import { ApolloGateway, RemoteGraphQLDataSource } from '@apollo/gateway';

const serviceList = [
    name: 'accounts',
    url: 'http://localhost:9000/graphql',

class AuthenticatedDataSource extends RemoteGraphQLDataSource {
  willSendRequest({ request, context }) {
    request.http.headers.set('authorization', context.authorization);
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
  buildService: ({ url }) => new AuthenticatedDataSource({ url }),
  __exposeQueryPlanExperimental: true,

(async () => {
  const server = new ApolloServer({
    engine: false,
    context: ({
      req: {
        headers: { authorization },
    }) => ({ authorization }),
    subscriptions: false,

  const { url } = await server.listen({ port: 4000 });
  console.log(` Apollo Gateway ready at ${url}`);

With CLI

Next create project using CLI or read above how to bootstrap your custom application

Consuming gapi

First we need to install ts-node and nodemon globally
npm install -g nodemon ts-node
Next install gapi globally using npm
npm install @gapi/cli -g
To skip the following steps creating project and bootstraping from scratch you can type the following command:

It may take 20 seconds because it will install project dependencies.

Basic project
gapi new my-project
Advanced Project
gapi new my-project --advanced
Microservices Project

To create new basic project with microservices from scratch via CLI type:

gapi new my-project --microservices
Serverless Basic Project

To create new basic serverless project without ORM from scratch via CLI type:

gapi new my-project --serverless
Serverless Advanced Project

To create new advanced serverless sequelize project from scratch via CLI type:

gapi new my-project --serverless-sequelize

Enter inside my-project and type:

npm start
Open browser to


To start developing with testing GAPI uses JEST and @gapi/cli is preconfigurated for your needs! :)

To run single test type:

gapi test

Testing watch mode

Note: You need to start server before running tests
Note: Everytime you make change to server it will restart server and execute tests
Note: To add more tests just create e2e.spec.ts or unit.spec.ts somewhere inside the application
Start the application
gapi start
Execute test with --watch argument
gapi test --watch
You will end up with something like this

Custom logic before testing ( for example creating MOCK users to database before testing)

Create file test.ts inside root/src/test.ts with this content
Everytime you run test with --before argument it will set environment variable BEFORE_HOOK
if (process.env.BEFORE_HOOK) {
  // do something here
Then execute tests with --before
gapi test --before
This command will start root/src/test.ts file and will wait for process.exit(0) so you can customize your before logic check this link for reference
Unit Testing
import { Container } from '@rxdi/core';
import { AuthPrivateService } from './auth.service';

const authService: AuthPrivateService = Container.get(AuthPrivateService);

describe('Auth Service', () => {
  it('unit: signJWTtoken => token : Should sucessfully sign jwt', async (done) => {
    const token = authService.signJWTtoken({
      email: '[email protected]',
      id: 1,
      scope: ['ADMIN'],
    const verifyedToken = authService.verifyToken(token);
    expect('[email protected]');
Integrated testing utility inside basic and advanced examples E2E testing

Filepath: root/src/app/user/user-queries.controller.e2e.spec.ts

import { Container } from '@rxdi/core';
import { IQuery } from '../core/api-introspection/index';
import { TestUtil } from '../core/test-util/testing.service';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

const testUtil: TestUtil = Container.get(TestUtil);

describe('User Queries Controller', () => {
  it('e2e: queries => (findUser) : Should sucessfully find user', async (done) => {
        query: `
        query findUser($id: Int!) {
            findUser(id: $id) {
                settings {
        variables: {
          id: 1,
        map((res) => {
        async (res) => {
        (err) => {

Filepath: root/src/app/core/test-util/testing.service.ts

    disableAuthorization() {
        this.tester = tester({ url: process.env.ENDPOINT_TESTING, contentType: 'application/json' });

    enableAuthorization() {
        this.tester = tester({ url: process.env.ENDPOINT_TESTING, contentType: 'application/json', authorization: process.env.TOKEN_TESTING});

    sendRequest<T>(query: SendRequestQueryType): Observable<Response<T>> {
        if (query.signiture) {
            this.tester = tester({
                url: process.env.ENDPOINT_TESTING,
                contentType: 'application/json',
                authorization: query.signiture.token
        return from(this.tester(JSON.stringify(query)));


import { Effect } from '@rxdi/core';
import { OfType } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { EffectTypes } from '../core/api-introspection/EffectTypes';

export class UserEffects {
  findUser(result, payload, context) {
    console.log(result, payload, context);

How it works ?

When the application starts the whole schema is collected via Decorators applied inside GapiControllers.Now when we have our schema collected and bootstraping is done next step is to attach all BehaviorSubject Observables to particular resolver and from that step we got Type based string literal enums a.k.a Gapi Effects.They look like that:

function strEnum<T extends string>(o: Array<T>): { [K in T]: K } {
  return o.reduce((res, key) => {
    res[key] = key;
    return res;
  }, Object.create(null));
export const EffectTypes = strEnum([
export type EffectTypes = keyof typeof EffectTypes;

Import GapiEffect inside Module

import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserQueriesController } from './user-queries.controller';
import { UserSubscriptionsController } from './user-subscriptions.controller';
import { UserMutationsController } from './user-mutations.controller';
import { UserService } from './services/user.service';
import { AnotherService } from './services/another.service';
import { UserEffects } from './user.effects';

  controllers: [
  services: [UserService, AnotherService],
  effects: [UserEffects],
export class UserModule {}

If you want to create custom Effect for particular resolver you need to use @EffectName('myevent') Decorator takes String This decorator will override default event which is Name of the Method in this example will be findUser

    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt)
  findUser(root, { id }, context) {
    return {
      id: 1

If you click Save app will automatically reload and you will have such a typing inside autogenerated EffectTypes from api-introspection Then you can lock it with new Typo generated "myevent"

    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt)
  findUser(root, { id }, context) {
    return {
      id: 1

Purpose of Effects is to create logic after particular resolver is triggered Successfully without thrown error for example:

  • Create Analitics about API usage
  • Publish message to RabbitMQ Queue and Consume it in another Funnel or Microservice
  • Create After effect for UI/UX for example when user Login you can trigger some Push notification for user.
  • etc.


How to register plugin to the system. Difference between Plugin and Service is that system will trigger register method inside constructor if exist, else it will resolve OnInit and constructor properties. That way you can register your own plugins to the system after everything is bootstrapped. If you decide for example to return Promise on register and resolve it inside setTimeout(() =>resolve(data), 1000) the app will wait till the promise is resolved.

import { Module, Plugin, Service, PluginInterface } from '@rxdi/core';
import { HAPI_SERVER } from '@rxdi/hapi';
import { Server } from '@hapi/hapi';

export class TestService {
  testMethod() {
    return 'Hello world';

export class MyHapiPlugin implements PluginInterface {
  name = 'MyPlugin';
  version = '1.0.0';

    private testService: TestService,
    @Inject(HAPI_SERVER) private server: Server
  ) {}

  async register() {
      method: 'GET',
      path: '/test',
      handler: this.handler.bind(this),

  async handler(request, h) {
    return this.testService.helloWorld();

  plugins: [MyHapiPlugin],
  services: [TestService],
export class AppModule {}

ForRoot configuration for modules

import { Module, ModuleWithServices, InjectionToken } from '@rxdi/core';
import { of } from 'rxjs';

export class MODULE_DI_CONFIG {
  text: string = 'Hello world';

const MY_MODULE_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<MODULE_DI_CONFIG>(

  imports: [],
export class YourModule {
  public static forRoot(): ModuleWithServices {
    return {
      module: YourModule,
      services: [
        { provide: MY_MODULE_CONFIG, useValue: { text: 'Hello world' } },
        { provide: MY_MODULE_CONFIG, useClass: MODULE_DI_CONFIG },
          provide: MY_MODULE_CONFIG,
          useFactory: () => ({ text: 'Hello world' }),
          provide: MY_MODULE_CONFIG,
          lazy: true, // Will be evaluated and resolved if false will remain Promise
          useFactory: async () =>
            await Promise.resolve({ text: 'Hello world' }),
          provide: MY_MODULE_CONFIG,
          lazy: true, // Will be evaluated and resolved if false will remain Observable
          useFactory: () => of({ text: 'Hello world' }),
          // this example will download external module from link and save it inside node modules
          // then will load it inside createUniqueHash token or MY_MODULE_CONFIG.
          provide: MY_MODULE_CONFIG,
          useDynamic: {
            fileName: 'createUniqueHash',
            namespace: '@helpers',
            extension: 'js',
            typings: '',
            outputFolder: '/node_modules/',


Amazon Serverless

Inside main.ts

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { BootstrapFramework, Container } from '@rxdi/core';
import { FrameworkImports } from './framework-imports';
import { format } from 'url';
import { HAPI_SERVER } from '@rxdi/hapi';
import { Server } from '@hapi/hapi';

const App = BootstrapFramework(AuthMicroserviceModule, [FrameworkImports], {
  init: true,

export const handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
  const app = await App;
  const url = format({
    pathname: event.path,
    query: event.queryStringParameters,
  const options = {
    method: event.httpMethod,
    payload: event.body,
    headers: event.headers,
    validate: false,
  let res = {
    statusCode: 502,
    result: null,
  try {
    res = await Container.get<Server>(HAPI_SERVER).inject(options);
  } catch (e) {
  const headers = Object.assign({
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'DELETE,GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT',
  return {
    statusCode: res.statusCode,
    body: res.result,


If we want to use AWS Lambdas Offline we need to set RandomPort to true inside HapiConfig because HAPI will generate random PORT everytime and as far as i know lambas are independent server which will be started everytime when someone execute that particular function.So when running offline it will not say that port 9000 is opened with another server.

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { BootstrapFramework } from '@rxdi/core';
import { CoreModule } from '@gapi/core';

const GapiCoreModule = CoreModule.forRoot({
  server: {
    randomPort: true,
    hapi: {
      port: 9000,
  graphql: {
    path: '/graphql',
    openBrowser: false,
    writeEffects: false,
    graphiQlPath: '/graphiql',
    graphiqlOptions: {
      endpointURL: '/graphql',
      subscriptionsEndpoint: `ws://localhost:9000/subscriptions`,
      websocketConnectionParams: {
        token: process.env.GRAPHIQL_TOKEN,
    graphqlOptions: {
      schema: null,
BootstrapFramework(AppModule, [GapiCoreModule], {
  init: false,
  initOptions: {
    effects: true,
    plugins: true,
    services: true,
    controllers: true,
  logger: {
    logging: true,
    date: true,
    exitHandler: true,
    fileService: true,
    hashes: true,
  () => console.log('Started!'),
  (e) => console.error(e)

Lambdas cannot use Typescript so we need to compile our application to es6 as commonjs module


Create serverless.yml

service: gapi-serverless
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10
  stage: development
  profile: default
  region: us-east-2

    handler: src/main.handler
      - http:
          path: '/{proxy+}'
          method: any
          cors: true
          integration: lambda-proxy

  - serverless-offline

Then we can run

serverless deploy

Later you can create PROXY server and map all existing Lambdas as a single GRAPHQL Schema

import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { MicroserviceModule } from '@gapi/microservices';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module';

  imports: [
        name: 'microservice1',
export class AppModule {}



Since 1.0.0 version @gapi micrated to @rxdi there is a little changes which are with Configuration @gapi now uses @rxdi/core infrastructure so it is a Framework created on top of it This @gapi/core module is wrapper for 3 modules from @rxdi infrastructure: @rxdi/graphql, @rxdi/graphql-pubsub, @rxdi/hapi When you install @gapi/core automatically will be installed these 3 modules and inside of @gapi/core module there is a Default configuration for CoreModule which this module exports { CoreModule } example:

    server: {
        hapi: {
            port: 9000
    graphql: {
        path: '/graphql',
        openBrowser: true,
        writeEffects: true,
        graphiql: true,
        graphiQlPlayground: false,
        graphiQlPath: '/graphiql',
        watcherPort: '',
        graphiqlOptions: {
            endpointURL: '/graphql',
            subscriptionsEndpoint: `${
                process.env.GRAPHIQL_WS_SSH ? 'wss' : 'ws'
                }://${process.env.GRAPHIQL_WS_PATH || 'localhost'}${
                process.env.DEPLOY_PLATFORM === 'heroku'
                    ? ''
                    : `:${process.env.API_PORT ||
            websocketConnectionParams: {
                token: process.env.GRAPHIQL_TOKEN
        graphqlOptions: {
            schema: null

Full example can be checked here

Based on that change if we want to not use default configuration instead of this

BootstrapFramework(AppModule, [CoreModule]).subscribe();

We need to add more complex configuration and call it framework-imports where our configuration will live This module will be imported before AppModule will bootstrap.

import { CoreModule, Module } from '@gapi/core';
import { AuthService } from './app/core/services/auth/auth.service';
import { AuthModule } from '@gapi/auth';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

  imports: [
      algorithm: 'HS256',
      cert: readFileSync('./cert.key'),
      cyper: {
        algorithm: 'aes256',
        iv: 'Jkyt1H3FA8JK9L3B',
        privateKey: '8zTVzr3p53VC12jHV54rIYu2545x47lA',
      server: {
        hapi: {
          port: process.env.API_PORT || process.env.PORT || 9000,
      pubsub: {
        authentication: AuthService,
      graphql: {
        path: process.env.GRAPHQL_PATH,
        openBrowser: process.env.OPEN_BROWSER === 'true' ? true : false,
        watcherPort: 8967,
        writeEffects: process.env.WRITE_EFFECTS === 'true' ? true : false,
        graphiql: process.env.GRAPHIQL === 'true' ? true : false,
          process.env.ENABLE_GRAPHIQL_PLAYGROUND === 'true' ? true : false,
        graphiQlPath: process.env.GRAPHIQL_PATH,
        authentication: AuthService,
        graphiqlOptions: {
          endpointURL: process.env.GRAPHQL_PATH,
          passHeader: `'Authorization':'${process.env.GRAPHIQL_TOKEN}'`,
          subscriptionsEndpoint: `${
            process.env.GRAPHIQL_WS_SSH ? 'wss' : 'ws'
          }://${process.env.GRAPHIQL_WS_PATH || 'localhost'}${
            process.env.DEPLOY_PLATFORM === 'heroku'
              ? ''
              : `:${process.env.API_PORT || process.env.PORT}`
          websocketConnectionParams: {
            token: process.env.GRAPHIQL_TOKEN,
        graphqlOptions: {
          schema: null,
export class FrameworkImports {}

Now you can import FrameworkImports

import { BootstrapFramework } from '@rxdi/core';
import { FrameworkImports } from './framework-imports';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';

BootstrapFramework(AppModule, [FrameworkImports]).subscribe();


Following commands will start RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, API, NGINX as a services and you need DOCKER installed on your system!
More information you can find inside project basic or advanced Documentation
API will be served on https://localhost:80 and https://localhost:80/subscriptions
Your custom certificates can be added here "root/nginx/certs/cert.key" "root/nginx/certs/cert.pem"

To build project with Docker type:

gapi app build

To start project with Docker type:

gapi app start

To stop project type:

gapi app stop


All workers will be mapped as Proxy and will be reverted to https://localhost:80 and https://localhost:80/subscriptions
So you don't have to worry about if some of your workers stopped responding
Todo: Create monitoring for all workers and main API

To start workers type:

gapi workers start

To stop workers type:

gapi workers stop

Creating application from scratch and custom bootstrapping Without CLI

Create folder structure like this root/src/app

Create AppModule like the example above

Inject UserModule into imports inside AppModule

Folder root/src/app/app.module.ts

import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module';

  imports: [UserModule, CoreModule],
export class AppModule {}

Create module UserModule in where we will Inject our created controllers

Folder root/src/app/user/user.module.ts

import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserQueriesController } from './user-queries.controller';
import { UserSubscriptionsController } from './user-subscriptions.controller';
import { UserMutationsController } from './user-mutations.controller';
import { UserService } from './services/user.service';
import { AnotherService } from './services/another.service';
import { UserEffect } from './user.effect';

  controllers: [
  services: [UserService, AnotherService],
  effects: [UserEffect],
export class UserModule {}

Define UserType schema

Folder root/src/user/type/user.type.ts

You can customize every resolver from schema and you can create nested schemas with @GapiObjectType decorator

User Schema

Note that you can modify response result via @Resolve('key for modifier defined inside constructor')
Root is the value of previews resolver so for example = '1';
When you return some value from @Resolve decorator will be replaced with returned value so it will be 5 in the example
If you remove @Resolve decorator it will be passed value returned from the first root resolver
import { GapiObjectType, Resolve, InjectType } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLInt, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';
import { UserSettings } from './user.settings';

export class UserType {
  readonly id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;
  readonly email: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly type: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly password: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly name: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly settings: UserSettings = InjectType(UserSettings);

  getId?(root, payload, context) {
    return 1;

UserSettings Schema

import { Injector } from '@rxdi/core';
import { GapiObjectType, Resolve } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { AnotherService } from '../services/another.service';
import { GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLBoolean } from 'graphql';

export class UserSettings {
  @Injector(AnotherService) private anotherService?: AnotherService;

  readonly sidebar: boolean | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLBoolean;

  async getSidebar?(root, payload, context) {
    return await this.anotherService.returnTrueAsync();

UserMessage Schema for Subscriptions

import { GapiObjectType } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';

export class UserMessage {
  readonly message: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;


import { GapiObjectType, InjectType } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { UserType } from './user.type';
import { GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';

export class UserTokenType {
  readonly token: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly user: UserType = InjectType(UserType);


Folder root/src/user/query.controller.ts
import { Controller } from '@rxdi/core';
import { Type, Query, Public } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLInt, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';
import { UserService } from './services/user.service';
import { UserType } from './types/user.type';
import { UserTokenType } from './types/user-login.type';
import { AuthPrivateService } from '../core/services/auth/auth.service';
import { IUserType, IUserTokenType } from '../core/api-introspection/index';

export class UserQueriesController {
    private userService: UserService,
    private authService: AuthPrivateService
  ) {}

    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt),
  findUser(root, { id }, context): IUserType {
    return this.userService.findUser(id);

    email: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
    password: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
  login(root, { email, password }, context) {
    let credential: IUserTokenType;

    // Find user from database
    const user = <IUserType>{
      id: 1,
      email: email,
      type: 'ADMIN',
      settings: {
        sidebar: true,
      password: this.authService.encryptPassword(password),
      name: 'Test Testov',

    if (this.authService.decryptPassword(user.password) === password) {
      credential = {
        user: user,
        token: this.authService.signJWTtoken({
          scope: [user.type],
    } else {
      throw new Error('missing-username-or-password');
    return credential;


Folder root/src/user/mutation.controller.ts
import { Controller } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserService } from './services/user.service';
import { UserType } from './types/user.type';
import { UserMessage } from './types/user-message.type';
import { IUserType } from '../core/api-introspection';
import { PubSubService } from '@rxdi/graphql-pubsub';
import { Scope, Type, Mutation, Public } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLString, GraphQLInt } from 'graphql';

export class UserMutationsController {
    private userService: UserService,
    private pubsub: PubSubService
  ) {}

    message: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
    signal: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
  publishSignal(root, { message, signal }, context): UserMessage {
      `${signal} Signal Published message: ${message} by ${}`
      `${signal} Signal Published message: ${message} by ${}`
    return { message };

    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt),
  deleteUser(root, { id }, context): IUserType {
    return this.userService.deleteUser(id);

    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt),
  updateUser(root, { id }, context): IUserType {
    return this.userService.updateUser(id);

    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt),
  addUser(root, { id }, context): IUserType {
    return this.userService.addUser(id);


Folder root/src/user/user.subscription.controller.ts
import { Controller } from '@rxdi/core';
import { Type, Scope, Public } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { withFilter } from 'graphql-subscriptions';
import { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLInt } from 'graphql';
import { PubSubService, Subscribe, Subscription } from '@rxdi/graphql-pubsub';
import { UserMessage } from './types/user-message.type';

export class UserSubscriptionsController {
  constructor(private pubsub: PubSubService) {}

  @Subscribe((self: UserSubscriptionsController) =>
  subscribeToUserMessagesBasic(message): UserMessage {
    return { message };

      (self: UserSubscriptionsController) =>
      (payload, { id }, context) => {
        console.log('Subscribed User: ', id, JSON.stringify(context));
        return true;
    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt),
  subscribeToUserMessagesWithFilter(message): UserMessage {
    return { message };
Example subscription query Basic
subscription {
  subscribeToUserMessagesBasic {
Example subscription query WithFilter
subscription {
  subscribeToUserMessagesWithFilter(id:1)  {

Create Service with @Service decorator somewhere

Folder root/src/user/services/user.service.ts
import { Service } from '@rxdi/core';
import { IUserType } from '../../core/api-introspection';

export class AnotherService {
  trimFirstLetter(username: string): string {
    return username.charAt(1);

  trimFirstLetterAsync(username): Promise<string> {
    return Promise.resolve(this.trimFirstLetter(username));

  returnTrueAsync() {
    return Promise.resolve(true);

export class UserService {
  constructor() {}

  findUser(id: number): IUserType {
    return {
      id: 1,
      email: '[email protected]',
      type: 'ADMIN',
      password: '123456',
      name: 'Pesho',
      settings: {
        sidebar: true,

  addUser(id: number): IUserType {
    return {
      id: 1,
      email: '[email protected]',
      type: 'ADMIN',
      password: '123456',
      name: 'Pesho',
      settings: {
        sidebar: true,

  deleteUser(id: number): IUserType {
    return {
      id: 1,
      email: '[email protected]',
      type: 'ADMIN',
      password: '123456',
      name: 'Pesho',
      settings: {
        sidebar: true,

  updateUser(id): IUserType {
    return {
      id: 1,
      email: '[email protected]',
      type: 'ADMIN',
      password: '123456',
      name: 'Pesho',
      settings: {
        sidebar: true,

Finally Bootstrap your application

Folder root/src/main.ts
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { BootstrapFramework } from '@rxdi/core';
import { CoreModule } from '@gapi/core';

BootstrapFramework(AppModule, [CoreModule], {
  init: false,
  initOptions: {
    effects: true,
    plugins: true,
    services: true,
    controllers: true,
  logger: {
    logging: true,
    date: true,
    exitHandler: true,
    fileService: true,
    hashes: true,
  () => console.log('Started!'),
  (e) => console.error(e)

Start your application using following command inside root folder of the repo

Important the script will search main.ts inside root/src/main.ts where we bootstrap our module bellow
gapi start

Basic authentication

Create Core Module

Folder root/src/app/core/core.module.ts
import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { AuthPrivateService } from './services/auth/auth.service';

  services: [AuthPrivateService],
export class CoreModule {}

Create PrivateAuthService @Service() this is complete Subscriptions Query Mutation Authentication via single method "validateToken()"

Above there are example methods from GapiAuth module which are provided on air for encrypting and decrypting user password

Folder root/src/app/core/services/auth/auth.service
import { Service } from '@rxdi/core';
import * as Boom from 'boom';

export interface UserInfo {
  scope: ['ADMIN', 'USER'];
  type: 'ADMIN' | 'USER';
  iat: number;

export class AuthPrivateService {
  constructor() { // private connectionHookService: ConnectionHookService // private authService: AuthService,
    // this.connectionHookService.modifyHooks.onSubConnection = this.onSubConnection.bind(this);
    // this.authService.modifyFunctions.validateToken = this.validateToken.bind(this);

  onSubConnection(connectionParams): UserInfo {
    if (connectionParams.token) {
      return this.validateToken(connectionParams.token, 'Subscription');
    } else {
      throw Boom.unauthorized();

    token: string,
    requestType: 'Query' | 'Subscription' = 'Query'
  ): UserInfo {
    const user = <UserInfo>this.verifyToken(token);
    user.type = user.scope[0];
    console.log(`${requestType} from: ${JSON.stringify(user)}`);
    if (user) {
      return user;
    } else {
      throw Boom.unauthorized();

  verifyToken(token: string): any {
    // return this.authService.verifyToken(token);
    return token;

  signJWTtoken(tokenData: any): any {
    // return this.authService.sign(tokenData);
    return tokenData;

  issueJWTToken(tokenData: any) {
    // const jwtToken = this.authService.sign({
    //     email: '',
    //     id: 1,
    //     scope: ['ADMIN', 'USER']
    // });
    // return jwtToken;

  decryptPassword(password: string): any {
    // return this.authService.decrypt(password);
    return password;

  encryptPassword(password: string): any {
    // return this.authService.encrypt(password);
    return password;
Final import CoreModule inside AppModule
import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { UserService } from './user/services/user.service';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module';

  imports: [UserModule, CoreModule],
export class AppModule {}
Dependency Injection
import { Module, InjectionToken } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module';

class UserId {
  id: number;

export const UserIdToken = new InjectionToken<UserId>('UserId');

  imports: [UserModule, CoreModule],
  services: [
      provide: 'UserId',
      useValue: { id: 1 },
      provide: UserIdToken,
      useFactory: () => {
        return { id: 1 };
      provide: UserIdToken,
      useClass: UserId,
export class AppModule {}
export class UserQueriesController {
    @Inject('UserId') private userId: { id: number }, // Value injection
    @Inject(UserIdToken) private userId: UserId, // Token injection
    @Inject(UserIdToken) private userId: UserId // Class injection
  ) {
    // Will print 1

You can put also Observable as a value

import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';

  imports: [UserModule, CoreModule],
  services: [
      provide: 'Observable',
      useValue: new BehaviorSubject(1),
export class AppModule {}

Then inject this service somewhere in your application

import { Controller } from '@rxdi/core';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
import { PubSubService } from '@rxdi/graphql-pubsub';

export class UserSubscriptionsController {
    @Inject('Observable') private observable: BehaviorSubject<number>,
    private pubsub: PubSubService
  ) {
    this.observable.subscribe(() =>
        `Signal Published message: ${this.observable.getValue()}`

Then you can put it inside another service and emit values

import { Service, Inject } from '@rxdi/core';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
import { TimerObservable } from 'rxjs/observable/TimerObservable';

export class UserService {
        @Inject('Observable') private observable: BehaviorSubject<number>
    ) {
        TimerObservable.create(0, 1000).subscribe((t) =>

Cross reference circular dependency

import { UserService } from './user.service';

export class AnotherService {
    @Inject(() => UserService) private userService: UserService
import { AnotherService } from './another.service';

export class UserService {
    @Inject(() => AnotherService) private anotherService: AnotherService

You can see the subscription when you subscribe to basic chanel inside GraphiQL dev panel

subscription {
  subscribeToUserMessagesBasic {

The result will be

  "subscribeToUserMessagesBasic": {
    "message": "Signal Published message: 495"
Complex schema object with nested schemas of same type
import { GapiObjectType, InjectType, Resolve, Type } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import {
} from 'graphql';

export class UserSettingsType {
  readonly id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;
  readonly color: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly language: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly sidebar: boolean | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLBoolean;

export class UserWalletSettingsType {
  readonly type: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly private: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly security: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly nested: UserSettingsType = InjectType(UserSettingsType);
  readonly nested2: UserSettingsType = InjectType(UserSettingsType);
  readonly nested3: UserSettingsType = InjectType(UserSettingsType);

  // If you want you can change every value where you want with @Resolve decorator
  changeType(root, args, context) {
    return root.type + ' new-type';

  // NOTE: you can name function methods as you wish can be Example3 for example important part is to define 'nested3' as a key to map method :)
  Example3(root, args, context) {
    // CHANGE value of object type when returning
    // UserSettingsType {
    //     "id": 1,
    //     "color": "black",
    //     "language": "en-US",
    //     "sidebar": true
    // }
    // root.nested3.color
    // root.nested3.language
    // root.nested3.sidebar
    return root.nested3;

export class UserWalletType {
  readonly id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;
  readonly address: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly settings: string | UserWalletSettingsType = InjectType(

export class UserType {
  readonly id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;
  readonly email: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly firstname: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly lastname: string | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLString;
  readonly settings: string | UserSettingsType = InjectType(
  readonly wallets: UserWalletType = new GraphQLList(
When you create such a query from graphiql dev tools
query {
  findUser(id:1) {
    settings {
    wallets {
      settings {
        nested {
        nested2 {
        nested3 {

This query respond to chema above

   findUser(id: number): UserType {
        return {
            id: 1,
            email: "[email protected]",
            firstname: "Kristiyan",
            lastname: "Tachev",
            settings: {
                id: 1,
                color: 'black',
                language: 'en-US',
                sidebar: true
            wallets: [{
                id: 1, address: 'dadadada', settings: {
                    type: "ethereum",
                    private: false,
                    security: "TWO-STEP",
                    nested: {
                        id: 1,
                        color: 'black',
                        language: 'en-US',
                        sidebar: true
                    nested2: {
                        id: 1,
                        color: 'black',
                        language: 'en-US',
                        sidebar: true
                    nested3: {
                        id: 1,
                        color: 'black',
                        language: 'en-US',
                        sidebar: true
                    nested4: {
                        id: 1,
                        color: 'black',
                        language: 'en-US',
                        sidebar: true

The return result from graphql QL will be
  "data": {
    "findUser": {
      "id": 1,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "firstname": "Kristiyan",
      "lastname": "Tachev",
      "settings": {
        "id": 1,
        "color": "black",
        "language": "en-US",
        "sidebar": true
      "wallets": [
          "id": 1,
          "address": "dadadada",
          "settings": {
            "type": "ethereum new-type",
            "private": "false",
            "security": "TWO-STEP",
            "nested": {
              "id": 1,
              "color": "black",
              "language": "en-US",
              "sidebar": true
            "nested2": {
              "id": 1,
              "color": "black",
              "language": "en-US",
              "sidebar": true
            "nested3": {
              "id": 1,
              "color": "black",
              "language": "en-US",
              "sidebar": true


All Gapi Decorators

@Query - Define Query object added above method inside @Controller

@Mutation - Define Mutation object added above method inside @Controller

@Subscription - Define Subscription object added above method inside @Controller

@Subscribe - It will be used with @Subscription Decorator and it takes PubSubIterator function @Subscribe(() => UserSubscriptionsController.pubsub.asyncIterator('CREATE_SIGNAL_BASIC')) can be used also withFilter

            (self: UserSubscriptionsController) => self.pubsub.asyncIterator('CREATE_SIGNAL_WITH_FILTER'),
            (payload, {id}, context) => {
                console.log('User trying to subscribe: ', id, JSON.stringify(context));
                // if user passes your expression it will be subscribed to this subscription
                return id !==;
    subscribeToUserMessagesWithFilter(message): UserMessage {
        return { message };

@Public - Works with (@Query, @Mutation, Subscription) adds property "public = true" will make this particular resolver Public without authentication

@Scope - Can take arguments like what kind of User can use this Resolver @scope('ADMIN', 'USER', 'SALES')

@Type - Works with (@Query, @Mutation, Subscription) passing ObjectType class here for example UserType this is internally new GraphQLObjectType

@GapiObjectType - Internally is using new GraphQLObjectType() adding name of the class as a {name:} can take {name: 'YourCustomName'} as argument also the same Object type can be used for generating new GraphQLInputObjectType when passing {input: true} used for Arguments

@Resolve - This is used internally inside GapiObjectType and it is related with modifying return result from GraphQL like in the following example

export class UserType {
  id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;

  getId?(root, payload, context) {
    return 5;

Important part is that getId? method needs to be OPTIONAL because it will be part of the Interface defined by the class UserType so everywhere if you use UserType it will ask you to add getId as a function but we just want to modify the return result from Schema with Resolve method decorator.

@Controller - It will define Controllers inside Gapi Application you can have as many as you wish controllers just when you are ready import them inside @Module({controllers: ...CONTROLLERS})

@Guard - this decorator will add Guards to particular resolvers can be used this way:

import { Controller } from '@rxdi/core';
import { Type, Query, Guard } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { UserService } from './services/user.service';
import { UserListType } from './types/user-list.type';
import { AdminOnly } from '../core/guards/admin-only.guard';

export class UserQueriesController {
  constructor(private userService: UserService) {}

  listUsers() {
    return this.userService.findAll();

Or you can apply them globaly to controller like this

import { Query, GraphQLControllerOptions, InjectType } from '@rxdi/graphql';
import { UserService } from './services/user.service';
import { UserListType } from './types/user-list.type';
import { AdminOnly } from '../core/guards/admin-only.guard';

  guards: [AdminOnly],
  type: InjectType(UserListType),
export class UserQueriesController {
  constructor(private userService: UserService) {}

  listUsers() {
    return this.userService.findAll();

The basic guard example:

import {
} from '@gapi/core';
import { ENUMS } from '../enums';
import { UserType } from '../../user/types/user.type';

export class AdminOnly implements CanActivateResolver {
    context: UserType,
    descriptor: GenericGapiResolversType
  ) {
    return context.type === 'ADMIN';

Valid use cases are:

export class AdminOnly implements CanActivateResolver {
    context: UserType,
    descriptor: GenericGapiResolversType
  ) {
    return Observable.create((o) =>;

    return new Promise((r) => r(true));

    return Observable.create((o) =>;

    return new Promise((r) => r(false));
    if (context.type !== 'ADMIN') {
      throw new Error('error');

If you try to mix @Guard decorator and apply globaly guards it will merge them so you will have both of the guards.

@Interceptor - This abstraction can be used to modify or just log result before you process it to the client can be used like this:

Logging interceptor

import {
} from '@gapi/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { UserType } from '../../user/types/user.type';

export class LoggerInterceptor implements InterceptResolver {
    chainable$: Observable<any>,
    context: UserType,
    descriptor: GenericGapiResolversType
  ) {
    const now =;
    return chainable$.pipe(
      tap(() => console.log(`After... ${ - now}ms`))

Then you can attach it inside Query, Mutation, Subscription decorators

        id: {
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
    findUser(root, { id }): Promise<User> {
        return this.userService.findUserById(id);

You can also modify result returned

Modify interceptor

import {
} from '@gapi/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { UserType } from '../../user/types/user.type';

export class ModifyInterceptor implements InterceptResolver {
    chainable$: Observable<any>,
    context: UserType,
    descriptor: GenericGapiResolversType
  ) {
    const now =;
    return chainable$.pipe(
      map((res) => {
        console.log(`After... ${ - now}ms`);
        return res;

@Module - This is the starting point of the application when we bootstrap our module inside root/src/main.ts.Also can be used to create another Modules which can be imported inside AppModule {imports: ...IMPORTS}

@Service - Passed above class, this Decorator will insert metadata related with this class and all Dependencies Injected inside constructor() so when application starts you will get a Singleton of many Services if they are not Factory Services(Will explain how to create Factory in next release).So you can use single instance of a Service injected everywhere inside your application.

@Inject - It will inject Service with specific NAME for example when using InjectionToken('my-name') you can do something like

    @Inject('my-name') private name: string;
) {}

@Injector - Use this very carefully! It will Inject Services before application is fully loaded used to load Instance of a class before the real load of application it is used only inside GapiObjectType because Types are the first thing that will be loaded inside Gapi Application so we need our Services on Processing Decorators which is when the application loads.If you can use Dependency Injection internally provided.

@InjectType - This is BETA decorator for now is used without Decorator sign @ example:

export class UserType {
  readonly id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;
  readonly settings: string | UserSettings = InjectType(UserSettingsType);

In future releases it will be used as follows:

export class UserType {
  readonly id: number | GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLInt;
  @InjectType(UserSettingsType) readonly settings: string;

TODO: Better documentation...

Enjoy ! :)