
Utility for piping to/from a stream from a variety of sources to a variety of destinations


stream-from-to Build Status Dependency Status

Utility for piping to/from a stream from a variety of sources to a variety of destinations.

Pass stream-from-to a function that creates a through stream and it'll give you back an object that simplifies the constructon of source and destination streams for piping to/from the through stream.

Usage examples

var streamft = require("stream-from-to")
  , through = require("through")

var mdToHtml = function (filePath) {
  // Through stream that converts markdown to HTML
  return through()

streamft(mdToHtml).from.path("/path/to/").to.path("/path/to/doc.html", function (er) {
    if (er) return console.error(er)
    // Done!

With brfs:

var streamft = require("stream-from-to")
  , brfs = require("brfs")



from.path(path, opts)

Create a readable stream from path and pipe to the through stream. path can be a single path or array of paths.


Create a readable stream from string and pipe to the through stream. string can be a single string or array of strings.

concat.from.paths(paths, opts)

Create and concatinate readable streams from paths and pipe to the through stream.

concat.from.strings(strings, opts)

Create and concatinate readable streams from strings and pipe to the through stream.

to.path(path, cb)

Create a writeable stream to path and pipe output from the through stream to it. path can be a single path, or array of output paths if you specified an array of inputs. The callback function cb will be invoked when data has finished being written.

to.buffer(opts, cb)

Create a concat-stream and pipe output from the through stream to it. The callback function cb will be invoked when the buffer has been created.

to.string(opts, cb)

Create a concat-stream and pipe output from the through stream to it. The callback function cb will be invoked when the string has been created.