
The JavaScript SDK

APACHE-2.0 License

7 javascript sdk

Introduction is a real-time cache proxy allowing you to poll standard public REST APIs and push updates to clients. But wait, there is more: keeps an history of modifications that occur on the data between two polling! This way, is able to give you the list of modifications which happened since last time you fetched the data.

In other words, is the perfect cache to dramatically reduce the bandwidth consumption to transfer data that change both rarely and frequently.


  • Incremental data update: replacing polling by push is not enough to minimize data streams. That's why pushes only the part that has changed.
  • Server-Sent-Events (SSE): updates are pushed to the client using SSE protocol. By providing fallback mechanisms can also work with older browsers.
  • API Cache: to reduce server load and latency, has an integrated cache mechanism.

This Javascript SDK facilitates the usage of

Follow this quick start guide to easily integrate into your application.

Getting Started

1. Get the SDK

1.1 Prerequisites

Having node.js and npm installed on your computer.

1.2 Option 1 : Build SDK from source

Then check out the project from git and simply run the following command lines to build the sdk file from source:

npm install 

This will install npm components for the build.

npm run build

The result of this will be available in the dist/ folder :

  • dist/bundles
    • streamdataio.d.ts : typescript definition file
    • streamdataio-web.js and streamdataio-web.min.js : js files for web framework (plain, jquery, angular, vuejs)
    • streamdataio-node.js and streamdataio-node.min.js : js files for node.js
  • dist/commonjs
    • SDK compile for commonjs target
  • dist/es6
    • SDK compile for es6 target
  • dist/src
    • Source files of typescript definition

1.3 Option 2 : install the SDK from npm

The streamdataio-js-sdk is available through a npm package.

You can install it through the following command line :

npm install streamdataio-js-sdk --save

Distribution files will be available in node_modules/streamdataio-js-sdk/dist/bundles folder. Use respectively streamdataio.min.js for Web environment or streamdataio-node.min.js for Node.Js environment

1.4 Option 3 : via CDN

streamdataio JS SDK is available via CDN at the following link :

This method must be used only for dev/testing purpose.

2. Add SDK to your application

Add reference to the streamdataio.min.js file in your application code. Usually this is done by using a script html tag into your main page:

<script src="streamdataio.min.js"></script>

By doing this, you access in your JavaScript code to the streamdataio object which is the central point of all SDK API.

3. Use to connect to your API

Create a StreamDataEventSource object into your JavaScript code.

    var myEvent = streamdataio.createEventSource("",<app_token>);

The StreamDataEventSource is the entry point for establishing a data stream connection to the given URL.

It uses an application token to identify and authorize the stream connection to be established.

To get a valid token, please visit web site to register and create an application.

It uses standard HTTP Server-Sent Events to get the data you required through proxy.

If your API requires specific headers, simply pass them as an array on the event source creation, and will forward them to your Information System.

An optional headers parameter can be passed to the createEventSource method.

It must be an array with the following structure:

['header1: headervalue1', 'header2: headervalue2']

Here is an example to add a Basic authorization header to your target API call:

    // Your api URL
    var url = '';

    // add whatever header required by your API
    var headers = ['Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=='];

    var myEventSource = streamdataio.createEventSource(url,<app_token>, headers);

4. Handle data reception SDK handles data from the targeted REST service as JSON objects.

When the StreamDataEventSource object is opened, the initial set of data is returned as it would be with a standard call to the service URL. This data set is called the snapshot. The SDK returns it through the onData callback.

The updates of this initial set will come subsequently in the JSON-Patch format through the onPatch callback. Such a data update is called a patch.

You can define your callback functions as follows:

        // initialize your data with the initial snapshot
        // update the data with the provided patch
        // do whatever you need in case of error
        // you can also add custom behavior when the stream is opened

5. Start receiving data;


1. Simple Javascript source code integration

Here is a complete example of how to use the different callbacks of the SDK.

You can copy/paste this piece of code in a HTML page and test it.

Each callback will be described in further details in the Public API JavaScript doc section.

<!-- include streamdataio library -->
<script src="streamdataio.min.js" />

<!-- use json-patch-duplex library for applying patches -->
<script src="" />

(function() {
  var eventSource = null;
  var stocks = [];

  function connect() {
    var appToken = "NmEtYTljN2UtYmM1MGZlMGRiNGFQzYS00MGRkLTkNTZlMDY1";

    // create the StreamdataEventSource Object
    eventSource = streamdataio.createEventSource("", appToken);

     .onOpen(function() {
       console.log("streamdata Event Source connected.")
     .onData(function(data) {
       // json object stored locally.
       stocks = data;
     .onPatch(function(patch) {
       // use json patch library to apply the patch (patch)
       // to the original snapshot (stocks)
       jsonpatch.apply(stocks, patch);
     .onError(function(error) {
       // displays the error message

    // open the data stream to the REST service through proxy;


  function disconnect() {
    if (eventSource) {
      eventSource = null;


2. Example projects

You'll find on GitHub the following projects which integrates SDK within simple example applications.

2.1 jQuery example

A simple jQuery integration of market data with SDK.

Stock Market jQuery

2.2 Angular.js example

The same market data example using Angular.js

Stock Market AngularJS

2.3 Angular example

The same market data example using Angular

Stock Market Angular

2.4 VueJs example

The same market data example using VueJs

Stock Market VueJs

2.4 Node.js example

The same market data example using node.js

Stock Market Node.js


1. TLS Encryption proxy uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) as a default to encrypt messages while in transport across the Internet.


Even if proxy can be used without TLS encryption, we strongly recommend to always use https (thus TLS) with applications using

Using TLS ensures that client messages are protected when being sent to and from This prevents intercepted messages from being viewed by unauthorized parties.

2. Authentication with Token

Running an application in production through proxy requires an authentication mechanism.

When registering on web site, you'll be provided with a unique token for your application and a private key.

This allows proxy to identify that a specific request comes from your application.

This token must be provided to the SDK in order to be able to use the proxy.

    var appToken = "NmEtYTljN2UtYmM1MGZlMGRiNGFQzYS00MGRkLTkNTZlMDY1";
    var myEventSource = streamdataio.createEventSource("", appToken);

3. Authentication with signature SDK offers an optional Hash-based Message Authentication (HMAC) mechanism to enhance your requests security.

In order to use it, you'll first need to add streamdataio_auth javascript auth library to your project :

<script src="/js/streamdataio-auth.min.js"></script>

This auth javascript library is available :

npm install streamdataio-js-sdk-auth

You can then use a signatureStrategy object when creating your StreamDataEventSource as follow:

    // setup headers
    var headers = [];
    // setup signatureStrategy
    var signatureStrategy = AuthStrategy.newSignatureStrategy("NmEtYTljN2UtYmM1MGZlMGRiNGFQzYS00MGRkLTkNTZlMDY1","NTEtMTQxNiWIzMDEC00OWNlLThmNGYtY2ExMDJxO00NzNhLTgtZWY0MjOTc2YmUxODFiZDU1NmU0ZDAtYWU5NjYxMGYzNDdi");
    // instantiate an eventSource
    var eventSource = streamdataio.createEventSource("","NmEtYTljN2UtYmM1MGZlMGRiNGFQzYS00MGRkLTkNTZlMDY1",headers,signatureStrategy);

Important Note:

Your signatureStrategy is built using your token and private key.

The signatureStrategy will generate a signature specific to your data stream connection request.

This signature will be validated by proxy before authorizing your request to go through it.

Your private key must be kept secret.


Server-Sent event flow can be compressed on demand using gzip or deflate methods.

To do so, you can use the X-Sd-Compress header this way:

X-Sd-Compress: true

If this header is not provided, the default behavior is NOT to use compression.