
๐ŸŽจ Stylish way how to format your console.log - for humans

MIT License


Table of Contents


Stylog is a stylish way how to easily format rich console.log messages.

It's overengineered on purpose I just wanted to write it in the "old school" way and avoid RegExps. It has been written with a nostalgic memory to the Dragon Book ๐Ÿฒ


yarn add stylog

The library is targeted for the last two version of Chrome, it's designed to be used mostly in dev mode within latest dev tools.



  (recipe: string),
  (stylesDictionary: ?{
    [id: string]: {
      [property: string]: string
  (mapperDictionary ?{
    [id: string]: (value: string) => string

If you are fan of FP you can take full advantage of the data-last curried version!โœŒ๏ธ



  • text is everything outside (non-escaped) "{"
  • styled text start with "{" followed by id (string) and optionally text (multiline string) then it should be closed with "}"
  • each styled text may have corresponding style in stylesDictionary otherwise it would be rendered as text
  • styled text can be escaped by \ (in template literal you have to use \\ ) then it would be considered as text
This is normal text {styled this is styled text}
This is normal text \{styled this is also normal text}

Styles Dictionary

  • is an nullable-object where key should be string matching id of styled text and value is supposed to be object of CSS properties in camelCase notation.
  • it could be null
  styled: {
    fontSize: "20px"; // or "fontSize: 20" :)

Mapper Dictionary

  • is an nullable-object where key should be string matching id of styled text and value is supposed to be an function which takes that matched string and returns modified string (optionally could return falsy value which will act as empty string)
  // return c๐Ÿ‘l๐Ÿ‘a๐Ÿ‘p๐Ÿ‘e๐Ÿ‘d string
  clap: s => {
    return [...s]
      .map((a, i) => `${a}${i !== s.length - 1 ? "๐Ÿ‘" : ""}`)


Check it out the example/index.html for interactive playground! ๐Ÿ™Œ

  `{big Hello, everyone! This is nicely styled text!} 
and non-styled text. Lovely, right? {bold *clap* *clap* *clap*} 

{image [GANDALF]} {red Be aware! Wild Gandalf appears!}




not like this


{clap Awesome}`,
    bold: {
      fontWeight: "bold"
    big: {
      fontSize: "25px",
      border: "1px solid black",
      padding: "10px"
    image: {
      display: "block !important",
      color: "gray",
      fontSize: "10px",
      background: `url("")`,
      backgroundSize: "15px 15px",
      backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
      backgroundPosition: "left",
      paddingLeft: "15px"
    red: {
      color: "red",
      textDecoration: "underline"
    gandalf: {
      display: "block !important",
      color: "gray",
      fontSize: "300px",
      lineHeight: "150px",
      display: "block !important",
      background: `url("")`,
      backgroundSize: "200px",
      backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
      backgroundPosition: "left"
    clap: {
      background: "black",
      color: "yellow"
    clap: s => {
      return [...s]
        .map((a, i) => `${a}${i !== s.length - 1 ? "๐Ÿ‘" : ""}`)

will produce this:


Do you miss something? Open an issue, I'd like to hear more about your use case. You can also fork this repository and run yarn && yarn dev, do stuff in the playground (example/index.html), then run yarn test and finally send a PR! โค๏ธ


I got the inspiration for this project from, especially from this issue. Thanks @whitefire0 and @adamschwartz.


The MIT License (MIT) 2018 - Jakub Beneลก