
How long is your commute? Proof-of-concept ground-truth MTA subway arrival time web application.



The Metropolitan Transit Authority is the primary public transportation authority for the greater New York City region. It provides real-time information about its buses, subway trains, and track trains using a bundle of what are called GTFS-Realtime feeds. Each GTFS-RT feed represents a snapshot of a slice of the MTA's service jurisdiction at a certain timestamp.

This repository comprises a web application which uses MTA GTFS-Realtime data to surface relevant train trip information to users. It is dependent on the APIs defined in the and repositories.

This application is a proof-of-concept meant to demonstrate the utility of the ground-truth train arrival and departure data provided by the subway-explorer-api. It is also dependent on subway-explorer-gmaps-proxy.


You will need to have Node.JS installed and configured.

Clone this repository:

git clone

Enter the root of your copy of the repository and install the required packages:

npm install --all

Set environment variables pointing to the subway-explorer-api and subway-explorer-gmaps-proxy services:

export GMAPS_PROXY_SERVICE_URI=localhost:9000
export SUBWAY_EXPLORER_SERVICE_URI=localhost:3000

Then generate the distribution from the source by running the following:

npm run-script build

Finally, the application can be served by running the following from the root folder:

npx http-server .

The application will fail if you do not also have the subway-explorer-gmaps-proxy and subway-explorer-api services running as well. For instructions on setting those up, see the in their respective repositories.

This application is still heavily a WIP. This quickstart is incomplete in the meantime!

Using the container

This repo contains a Docker file bundled with Node.JS and this application.

To build the container image, run the following from the root folder:

docker build -t residentmario/subway-explorer-webapp .

The container build process will, by default, assume that the two API services are exposed on localhost at ports 9000 and 3000, respectively. This is the default configuration, and what you will get if you follow the instructions in the README files verbatim. If you're running the services someplace else, you can change where the application looks for them by running the following instead:

docker build . -t residentmario/subway-explorer-webapp:latest --build-arg GMAPS_PROXY_SERVICE_URI=URI:PORT SUBWAY_EXPLORER_SERVICE_URI=URI:PORT

Replacing URI:PORT with the locations and ports of your choosing.

Then, to run the container (pointing it to localhost:8080):

docker run -p 8080:8080 -d residentmario/subway-explorer-webapp

You can visit the following URI in the browser to verify that the connection is being served:


You can also jump inside the container by running docker exec -it 949cc5d81abe /bin/bash (replacing the name with the name of the running image, discoverable via docker ps) and inspect the running processes to verify things are running as expected.