Suggest-me This is web application where somebody can register and login to give any other people his own personal suggestions privately. you can also ask Question for getting suggestions. add, delete of suggestions and Questions facility are provided.


Suggest-me version: 1.0.0

This is web application where somebody can register and login to give any other people his own personal suggestions privately.

What users can do after login:-

  • users can Ask a Question for suggestions
  • users can Delete there own Questions
  • users can Edit there own Questions
  • users can Give Suggestions to other users Questions
  • users can Edit there own given Suggestions to other users Questions
  • users can Delete there own given Suggestions to other users Questions
  • users can View Answers which They got from others users
  • whatever a user give Suggestions to other users is completely Private suggestion. it is only visible to user which asked this particular Question.