
Sandbox for building out super awesome design systems

MIT License


Super Awesome Design System

Sandbox for building out super awesome design systems

This project is a personal development environment for trying out different techniques for building a design system. This includes multiple ways of building components, different styling strategies, building websites, CLI commands, and more.

This work is not intended to be stable or used as a reference. It's just meant to be fun. If you're checking out this project, hope it's helpful!

Getting started

These are the notes that I'm using to remember how to use this project 😅


You will need to have the following installed on your machine:


Language Command Description
JavaScript yarn Install JavaScript dependencies for the monorepo
JavaScript yarn format Format files in the project using prettier
JavaScript yarn dedupe Determine if we can deduplicate packages based on overlapping package ranges
Rust cargo fmt Format rust files using cargo fmt
Rust cargo test Run the tests for the Rust files in the workspace
Rust cargo clippy Run clippy on files in the Rust workspace
Rust cargo install --path cli Install the dsm cli as an executable on your machine

Project Overview

This repo is broken up into several parts, including:

  • The dsm cli used for managing common design system tasks in a
  • A collection of component packages that make up the design
  • A collection of generic packages for building the design system
  • A website for displaying information about the project, from
    documentation to blog posts

Links & Inspiration

This list of projects and resources are ones that I've found inspirational or referenced heavily during the course of exploring concepts in this repo. I want to give each of them a huge shoutout for how helpful they've been:

Radix UI

Homepage | Primitives | Website

Radix is always an inspiration, whether that's for accessible component implementations in React, how they've organized their projects, or the awesome website that they've made.



The spread of the mantine library is incredible, covering a wide variety of hooks and components. I love referencing what this project is doing and seeing what gaps there are in the React component space in my own design systems.


This project is one of my first using TypeScript. This is a growing list of TypeScript resources that I found helpful along the way.

📝 License

Licensed under the MIT License.