
API for survey builder

MIT License


Survey Builder API

Note: Survey Builder is currently hosted on a free server. Please keep in mind that it might take a few minutes to initiate the first time you access it. We appreciate your patience!.

For the corresponding front-end repository, which consumes this API, please visit Survey Builder UI.

This app is also dockerise so after the cloning the repo you can run docker-compose up to start it and access the api at localhost:3001. Test it by visiting localhost:3001/heartbeat.


  • Background jobs ⏱️
  • More questions type
  • Complex validations
  • Email verification
  • Forgot password
  • Refresh token


  • User Management: Handle user authentication, registration, and profiles.
  • Survey Management: Create, edit, publish, and unpublish surveys.
  • Question Types: Support multiple question types like multiple-choice, open-text, ratings, and more.
  • Response Collection: Collect and store responses from survey participants.
  • Data Integrity: Utilize PostgreSQL to ensure reliable data storage and retrieval.

Getting Started

To set up and run the Survey Builder backend on your local machine, follow these steps:

I've separated the steps for using the app using Docker and running it locally:

Using Docker

To run the Survey Builder backend using Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.

    git clone
    cd survey-builder
  2. Build Docker Image: Build the Docker image for the app.

    docker-compose build
  3. Start the Docker Containers: Start the app and PostgreSQL database containers.

    docker-compose up
  4. Access the API: The app should now be running. You can access the API at http://localhost:3001.

  5. Test the API: To test if the API is running, you can visit http://localhost:3001/heartbeat.

Running Locally

To run the Survey Builder backend locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.

    git clone
    cd survey-builder
  2. Install Dependencies: Install the required Ruby gems using Bundler.

    bundle install
  3. Database Setup: Configure your PostgreSQL database credentials in config/database.yml. Then, create and migrate the database.

    rails db:create
    rails db:migrate
  4. Start the Server: Launch the Rails server.

    rails server
  5. Access the API: The app should now be running. You can access the API at http://localhost:3001.

  6. Test the API: To test if the API is running, you can visit http://localhost:3001/heartbeat.

API Endpoints

Below is a list of key API endpoints available in the Survey Builder backend:

Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/users/register POST Register a new user account.
/api/v1/users/login POST Authenticate a user and generate a token.
/api/v1/users/profile GET Retrieve user profile information.
/api/v1/surveys GET Get a list of all surveys.
/api/v1/surveys/:id GET Get details of a specific survey.
/api/v1/surveys POST Create a new survey.
/api/v1/surveys/:id PUT Update survey details.
/api/v1/surveys/:id DELETE Delete a survey.
/api/v1/questions GET Get a list of all questions for a survey.
/api/v1/questions/:id GET Get details of a specific question.
/api/v1/questions POST Create a new question for a survey.
/api/v1/questions/:id PUT Update question details.
/api/v1/questions/:id DELETE Delete a question.
Question Options
/api/v1/question_options GET Get options for a specific question.
/api/v1/question_options POST Add new options to a question.
/api/v1/question_options/:id PUT Update option details.
/api/v1/question_options/:id DELETE Delete an option.
/api/v1/responses/:id GET Get responses for a specific survey.
/api/v1/responses POST Submit a response for a survey.
/api/v1/responses GET Get all responses
/heartbeat GET Get API running status

Database Structure

The Survey Builder backend uses PostgreSQL for data storage. Here's an overview of the database structure and key resources:

  • Users: Store user information and authentication credentials.
  • Surveys: Manage survey details such as title, description, and publication status.
  • Questions: Define questions with various types and options.
  • Question Options: Store options for multiple-choice and other related questions.
  • Responses: Capture responses from participants for analysis.
  • Answers: Store answers for each survey questions


We welcome contributions from the open-source community! If you're interested in improving the Survey Builder backend, feel free to fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, which grants you the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software according to the terms specified.

Thank you for your interest in the Survey Builder backend. By collaborating on this project, we aim to empower the development of a robust and feature-rich survey management system. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.