
A simple vanilla JavaScript plugin to sort an HTML table, with no dependencies.

MIT License



sv-sortable-js is a vanilla JavaScript library for sorting a table. No dependencies, and it just sorts. There are functions for manually sorting, plus custom events that can be hooked into.

If you want table filtering as well, check out SV-Filtable. Both libraries are independent but work nicely in tandem.


Sortable can be installed via npm:

npm install sv-sortable

Then use the file node_modules/sv-sortable/src/sv-sortable.js in your project - either directly in a <script> tag, or passing into your bundler/task runner.

Alternatively, you can download or link to a minified version via jsDelivr.

Example usage

  1. Start with standard table HTML, including the <thead> and <tbody> elements. Each column that you want to sort should have a table header with the data-sort-type attribute set to the data type:

    <table id="data">
    		<th data-sort-type="string">First name</th>
    		<th data-sort-type="string">Last name</th>
    		<th data-sort-type="string">City</th>
    		<th data-sort-type="int">Age</th>
    	<!-- ...and so on -->
  2. Include the Sortable script in your page's <head>. For performance reasons we are using the defer attribute:

    <script defer src="/path/to/sv-sortable.js"></script>
  3. Call SV.Sortable with an HTMLElement object for the table (such as that returned from document.querySelector), and any custom options. As we are deferring script loading above, we must run this after page load:

    // Run on page load
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    	// get the table element
    	const table = document.querySelector('#data');
    	// create a new Sortable object
    	let sortable = new SV.Sortable(table, {
    		initialSort: 0

Voila! Clicking on the table headers will now sort the table by that column.


Sortable has several means of controlling the sorting, using data attributes:


Used on headers (<th> elements) to specify the data type of the column. Sortable comes with four built-in types:

  • int - for integers
  • float - for decimal numbers
  • string - for case-sensitive strings
  • string-ins - for case-insensitive strings

Custom types can be added using the sortFns option (see below).


Used on headers (<th> elements) to specify which sorting direction to use first. By default Sortable sorts columns in ascending order, but by setting data-sort-default="desc" on a header, the first click of that header will sort the column in descending order.


Used on individual table cells (<td> elements) to specify the value to sort by. This is useful when you want to show a human-readable format like a date, but sort by a computer-friendly format like a timestamp. In the example below, April would be sorted before January when using string comparison, but the data-sort-value attribute ensures the correct order is used:

	<td data-sort-value="2020-04-01">April 1, 2020</td>
	<td data-sort-value="2020-01-01">January 1, 2020</td>

Sortable also has two options that can be passed to the constructor:


This sets the table to automatically sort by a particular column when loaded. Columns are zero-indexed, so the first is 0, the second is 1, and so on. The default is false, which means no initial sort.


An object containing custom functions for sorting data. The keys should be an ID for the data type, which will match the value of the data-sort-type attribute on the table header. The values should be callback functions appropriate for passing into the native JavaScript Array.sort(). These functions should take two arguments, a and b, and return a negative number, zero, or a positive number if a is less than, equal to, or greater than b, respectively.

For example if we are showing full names in a column, but want to sort by surname, we could use the following:

let customSortFns = {
	'surname': function(a, b) {
		// split into an array of words and get the last element
		let aLast = a.split(' ').pop();
		let bLast = b.split(' ').pop();

		return aLast.localeCompare(bLast);

new SV.Sortable(table, {
	sortFns: customSortFns

Then we would use data-sort-type="surname" on the table header.


Sortable has one public property and two public methods that can be called on the object returned from the constructor:


An enum-like property containing the strings for the sorting directions, 'asc' and 'desc'. It's recommended to use this instead of hard-coding the strings in your code.

.sortColumn(index, sortDir)

A function to manually sort a column in the given direction. Columns are 0-indexed, and the direction is optional (defaulting to ascending). As above, use the dir property for sorting direction. Example:

const table = document.querySelector('#data');
let sortable = new SV.Sortable(table);
// sort the third column downwards
sortable.sortColumn(2, sortable.dir.desc);


A function to get a specific table header, taking colspans into account.


Sortable supports two custom events: sv.sortable.before and sv.sortable.after, which are called respectively (can you guess?) before the table sorting begins and after sorting is finished. This allows you to, for example, display a message like "Processing..." while the sorting is running (if using a very large table where a delay might be noticeable). The events are triggered on the table element itself.

const table = document.querySelector('#data');
let sortable = new SV.Sortable(table);

table.addEventListener('sv.sortable.before', function(ev) {
	// show a message
	// or do something with the properties:, ev.detail.column, ev.detail.dir
table.addEventListener('sv.sortable.after', function(ev) {
	// hide the message

The event object passed to the callback function has a detail property, which contains the following sub-properties:

  • th - a reference to the table header that was clicked
  • column - the index of the column being sorted
  • dir - the direction of the sort, matching the sortable.dir enum