
Converts a swagger-definition into a static html page. DEPRECATED (see below)

MIT License



This package is now deprecated, since I have moved all the functionality into the packages

The documentation of these packages, but the functionality is the same. Look at the example at bootprint-swagger to transform your swagger-definitions.


I think, Swagger is a great tool to document a REST-API, especially since it already has a nice documented user interface included. However, sometimes you need to deliver a static documentation to your customers. The first I did was use Swagger Codegen to create HTML and PhantomJS-rasterize to create a PDF.

There were however, some points that I didn't like about Swagger Codegen:

  • I think the setup is too complicated. It's not really suited for a non-CS guy. And you need to compile the project using
    maven before you can actually use it. Non-CS people probably would not want to do this.
  • At the first glance, it did not seem to be very flexible. You cannot include any custom styles in the build (and
    I think on delivery, you might want to include your company's CI).

So swagger-to-html

  • uses a bootstrap-css to provided clean an responsive styling,
  • runs a lesscss-compiler, so that the bootstrap-theme can actually be adapted by redefining less-variables.
  • uses a Handlebars template to generated HTML from a swagger-definition, the template and all partials
    can be replaced by custom ones.
  • has the option to include custom handlebars-helpers to use in your custom templates
  • provides suitable defaults for all customizable features.

Customization vs Reporting Bugs

Since almost every part of the module can be customized, it is very easy to circumvent bugs in the template and the styling by providing a customization for the buggy part. Please do submit bugs, if you find them. And if you make optimizations (especially ones from the todo-list below), please submit a pull request.

Customizations are meant for providing non-generic adaptions to customer needs. You can use them temporarily to resolve your generic problems, but if you think, your change would benefit everyone, please report them so that it can be fixed here too.


The package uses the commander package to parse cli-parameters. If you call it without parameters, the following help page will be displayed:

  Usage: swagger-to-html [options] <swaggerfile> <targetdir>

  Convert a swagger-definition file into a static html-page.


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -V, --version             output the version number
    -f, --config-file <file>  Specify a config file for custom configurations
    -C, --no-css              Omit css generation
    -d, --development-mode    Turn on file-watcher, less source maps and http-server with live-reload

-f, --config-file

A custom configuration-file can be specified. It must be a json-file and can contain options to customize the behaviour of swagger-to-html. The configuration-options are described below.

-C, --no-css

Without this option, swagger-to-html will call lesscss to combine the bootstrap-less with the atom-light-syntax-less and other less-directives in this module. This is a time-consuming process and can be skipped, e.g. if you have already generated you files before and have only changed your swagger-definition.

This option might disappear in the future. I'm thinking about using a fs-watcher to perform live-updates of the template and the css.

-d, --development-mode

This options activates a development-mode. This means:

  • The template-files, all partials, all less-files and the swagger-file are watched using the chokidar module. CSS and/or HTML are rebuilt automatically when needed.
  • A live-server is run on the target directory to enable live-reloading html and css.
  • LESS source-maps are generated and inlined into the CSS.

Note: Generally, chokidar is used in a non-polling mode if a whole directory is referenced in the configuration (partial templates and less-paths. For explicit files (swagger-file, less-files, directly referenced partials) the polling mode is used. Otherwise, there are problems with text-editors that use "atomic writes".

Note: Chrome does not seem to repaint the page, if only the CSS changes, until the mouse hovers over the browser window

Programmatic usage

// 'require' the module
var converter = require("swagger-to-html")({ /* options */ });

// call the lesscss-compiler to generate css

// call handlebars to generate the HTML-code
converter.generateHtml(swaggerJson, targetDir)

The development-mode cannot officially be activated programmatically at the moment

Configuration options

Disclaimer: I have not written any unit tests to verify these options yet. I am sure I will do so some time, but until then I cannot guarantee anything. You are welcome to test the options and submit bugs or even tests.

The configuration object can contain the following options:

  partials: {
      somePartialDirectory: "another/directory"
      parameters: "...",
      "...": "..."
  template: "path/to/the/main/template.hbs",
  helpers: {
      aHandlebarsHelper: function(value) {
          return 'result';
      // '...'
  less: {
      paths: [ "path/to/an/include-directory/" ],
      main: [ "path/to/a/less-file.less" ]


swagger-to-html uses a Handlebars-template to convert the swagger-definition into a static html-page. The default template is part of the module. The path to a custom template can be specified in this option.


This option contains an object of partial-definitions that a registered with Handlebars to be used by the template.

The recommended use of this option is the following:

  • The key of each entry is the name-prefix of some partials.
  • The value of each entry contains a directory containing these partials.
  partials: {
    custom: "directory1"

With files directory1 containing file a.hbs and b.hbs, the registered partials, you can us the following in you handlebars-template to call the partials.

Partial-A: {>custom/a}
Partial-B: {>custom/b}

The directory is traversed recursively, so there might appear partials like custom/subdir/c as well.

The following partials are included by default: (Warning! This list is outdated)

  • swagger-to-html/htmlBody renders the whole html-body contents.
  • swagger-to-html/path renders a single path definition.
  • swagger-to-html/method renders a single method definition.
  • swagger-to-html/parameters renders the request-parameters of a single request (path-method).
  • swagger-to-html/responses renders the response definitions of a request.
  • swagger-to-html/definitions renders the definitions part of the swagger-json.

Those can be overridden by specifying a partial-directory swagger-to-html:

  partials: {
    custom: "directory1",
    "swagger-to-html": "directory2",

Internally, this definition will be used to extend the default configuration to

  partials: {
    module1: [ "directory1" ],
    "swagger-to-html": [ "template/partials", "directory2"],

All files in directory2 and template/partials will now be registered as partials. If files with the same name occur in both directories, they the later directory (i.e. directory2) overwrite previous definitions: If directory2 contains a single file htmlBody.hbs, it will override the default swagger-to-html/htmlBody partial. All other default partials are still being used.

Deprecated configuration

Previous versions did not support partial-directories, but only partial-files.

  partials: {
    customPartial: "path/to/file.hbs"

Such configuration is now deprecated, but still works. If path/to/file.hbs is not a directory, but a regular file, the partial is registered by the entry's key (i.e. customPartial).

However, partial-fils can not be used to override partials in partial-directories. One might think that the following should work:

{  partials: {   "swagger-to-html/htmlBody": "path/to/file.hbs"} }

However, it is not defined, which file (the default-partial or the custom-partial) is used in such a case. Entries of the partials-object are processed in parallel, so which partial overrides probably depends on the I/O timing for reading the directory and files. It may also depend on the traversing order of the object's keys.

helpers (Warning: List is outdated)

This object contains name-function mapping of Handlebars-helpers used by the template. Additional helpers can be provided and existing helpers can be overridden. The following helpers exist in the default configuration:

  • toUpperCase: Generate uppercase letters of a string (used to write the HTTP-method)
  • methodClass: A mapping from HTTP-method to CSS-class
  • md: Runs the input string through marky-markdown to allow markdown-content in description properties.
  • datatype: Renders the "type" attribute of a parameter. Array types are rendered as type[]
  • json: Used to render schema-properties. The javascript object defining the schema is json-stable-stringifyd.
    $ref-tags pointing to #/definitions/... are changed into links to the particular definition.


This option is a list of additional lesscss include-paths. Use this option, if your main lesscss-file needs to @import files from some directories.


This option is an array of additional lesscss-files that can contain theme-adaptions. You can use it (for example) to specify different color schemes for the css. Take a look at the bootstrap documention to see what can be changed in the bootstrap-theme.

The less-file provided here, is imported after all other less-files in use, so you should be able to override all properties in here.

Module structure

  • bin contains the command-line-interface javascript
  • src contains the javascript-files source files
  • example contains the petstore-example and the generated html
  • styles contains the less-files adapting the bootstrap-theme
  • templates contains the default Handlebars-template and partials
  • target is the directory that is created when you run npm test
  • tests contains some unit tests


  • Provide a more complex example with custom configuration file
  • The Handlebars template is not complete yet. Missing parts:
    • Tags
    • Most parts of the "info"-block are still missing.
  • Write unit tests
  • Include css-directives for CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 in order to
    create a nicer print version (printable e.g. with WeasyPrint). This should include:
    • Appropriate page header- and footer-lines.
    • Cross-references containing page- or chapter-numbers
  • Include better navigation affix for browser view and a table of contents
    for printing.
  • Production version with inlined css
  • Option to run WeasyPrint to generate a PDF.
  • Extract the code part into its own module so that it can be reused with other templates


2015-03-12 - Version 0.3.0

  • Updated template and partials to draw a more readble version of the swagger-models.
  • Some template refactorings
  • Almost all labels and section headers are are now configurable in LESS
  • Fix for loading custom config file via command line.
  • Included custom-config-example in "example" TODO: document example

2015-03-08 - Version 0.2.3

  • Add Handlebars option preventIndent to fix wrong layout of <pre>-tags (json-schema parts)

2015-03-07 - Version 0.2.2

  • Update documentation
  • Possibility to specify strings as partial-directories (instead of arrays)
  • Fix broken programmatic usage

2015-03-05 - Version 0.2.1

  • Fix README markup for code examples

2015-03-05 - Version 0.2.0

  • Development mode with file-system-watcher, live-reload server and LESS-source-maps
  • Partial-configurations can now contain directories.
  • Use marked, highlight.js
    and cheerio instead of
    marky-markdown. The latter does not seem to work on MS-Windows.

2015-03-02 - Version 0.1.0

  • Refactoring: More main template divided into more partials
  • Changing config-options for lesscss
  • Define custom css classes for method-headers (GET, POST, PUT, ...)

2015-03-01 - Version 0.0.2 - 0.0.5

  • Changes in README

2015-03-01 - Version 0.0.1

  • Initial version