
Blockchain based coin flip game created as an assignment for Swissmote Inc.


Build a Coin-Flip Game with ETH tokens as bet.

Create a website, hosted on Vercel, that does the following:

  • Pick a blockchain from: Ethereum, Solana or Bitcoin. Use their 'devnet/testnet'.
  • Build a coinflip game, where the user can connect their wallet and then flip a coin on their screen.
  • User can select how much token (ETH, SOL or BTC) they want to risk, and also select a side.
  • If it lands on the side they have choosen, they get double their tokens back, if it's the wrong side, they get nothing.
  • Make the UI/UX design nice.
  • You should test the side before submitting, and it should work. I should be able to test and it should give me tokens back.

Using Ganache:

  • Worked well locally, but can't be deployed. Major issue.

Deploy globally using Faucet:

  • Tried getting Goerli, Linea and Sepolia test ETH from various faucets, but each one of them asked for some activity on mainnet or some ETH which I didn't have.