
🚀 You're gonna get ratelimited. A collaboration between Dean and Roadcrosser.

MIT License


Prepare for ratelimits

This is a meme made about b1nzy, an ex-Discord developer. He likes ratelimiting people.

Also, there's this guy called meew0. He hates eyes. He uses the light theme. \_()_/

Keyboard shortcuts

  • s => skip the current song
  • l => toggle light theme
  • v => toggle visualizer
  • m => increment meew0 mode
  • n => toggle nyan cat mode
  • p => toggle party mode
  • up arrow => increment audio volume
  • down arrow => decrement audio volume


Please make sure that your features are dank. Non-dank features will be declined.


During development, you will need to test the site. Use gulp dev. Travis will build the site and push to gh-pages when your commits get added to master.

$ npm install gulp -g
$ cd src
$ gulp

Set takeb1nzyto.space as your wallpaper (by PikaDude)

  1. Purchase and download Wallpaper Engine from Steam
  2. Download the wallpaper from the workshop
  3. Enjoy: .gif recording