
10-minute lightning talks about Storybook, Styled Components, MobX, & Jest.


Eric's Lightning Talks

Check out the example branch for all of this working in action.


Before getting started, let's make sure this is a workable project:

  1. git init .
  2. npm init -y
  3. nvm use 7.2.0
  4. yarn add react react-dom


  • Playground for predictable, isolated development of React Components.
  • "Stories" to describe different use-cases.
  • Live-reloading.
  • "Addons" (e.g. knobs, documentation, specs, backgrounds, etc.)

Getting Started

  1. yarn add --dev @kadira/storybook
  2. .stories/config.js
import { configure } from "@kadira/storybook";

const stories = require.context("..", true, /\.stories\.js$/);

configure(() => (
  stories.keys().forEach((file) => stories(file))
), module);
  1. $(yarn bin)/start-storybook -p 3000
  2. Create something in src/components/MyForm/MyForm.stories.js
import React from "react";
import { storiesOf, action } from "@kadira/storybook";

storiesOf("MyForm", module)
  .add("default", () => (
  1. Add onChange, onSubmit events via the action helper.


Styled Components

  • Co-locate styles alongside components.
  • Abstract styles into a components for cleaner abstractions in the consumer.
  • Auto-prefixing.
  • Supports what CSS supports.
  • DRYs up common styles.

Related Projects

Getting Started

  1. yarn add styled-components
  2. Style a regular HTML element (e.g. label) in your component:
import styled from "styled-components";

const Label = styled.label`
  background: #369;
  border: none;
  color: #fff;

  &:hover {
    cursor: pointer;
  1. You can even wrap existing components via styled(Component),
    as long as they accept the className prop.


  • State management using observables & mutable structures.
  • Performant rendering of only affected components.
  • Less "ceremony" than Redux.

Getting Started

  1. yarn add mobx mobx-react
  2. yarn add babel-preset-{latest,react,stage-2}
  3. yarn add babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
  4. Create .babelrc:
  "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"],
  "presets": ["latest", "react", "stage-2"]
  1. Wrap your component with @observer:
import { observer } from "mobx-react";

export default class ...
  1. Add @computed & @observable class properties to your component for
    internal state.
import { computed, intercept, observe, observable } from "mobx";

@observable email = ""

@computed get valid() {
  1. Add intercept & observe methods to sanitize input & fire events:
componentDidMount() {
  intercept(this, "email", (change) => {
    change.newValue = change.newValue.trimLeft().trimRight();

    return change;

  observe(this, "email", (value) => this.props.onChange({ email: value }));


  • Built-in support for Babel.
  • Snapshots.
  • Fast with caching.
  • Easy to adopt in existing projects.
  1. yarn add --dev jest
  2. $(yarn bin)/jest
  3. Add tests to __tests__ in any folder in the usual describe / it structure.
  4. Convert a .toBe(...) assertion to .toMatchSnapshot();.

Snapshotting existing Storybook stories: