
Make "click to phone-call" links for your mobile users only (accepts encrypted phone numbers)

GPL-3.0 License



Tiny JavaScript library, for making Phone call links, for modern mobile web browsers, this library is not needed, phone numbers are automatically detected, but on older ones, it's not, and if you manage to add a <a href='tel:XXX'> it may be clickable by non-mobile users and the link will lead to a wrong web page.

The name is from telefonillo means Call him (in Algerian dialect), and I found that it means Door Phone in Spanish.

TLDR: JS library for creating "click to call" links for mobile users.


  • Replaces a selector containing the phone number with a clickable <a href=tel://###> if the visitor is on mobile device.
  • Accepts a decryption functions, you can write a crypted phone numbers in your markup to avoid crawlers, then pass your decryption function to Telefonilo contructor so it decrypt the phone number. Have an issue? A better trick? Open an issue, we'd like to hear from you!


  1. Inlude the telefonilo.js script in your HTML.

    • <script src="dist/telefonilo.min.js"></script>
    • Or, using a CDN
      <script src="[email protected]/dist/telefonilo.min.js" integrity="sha256-dHltx45U5E48U7ebYh/IR8UoQIKU5nzzYJluNLk+jLA=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    • Or if you prefere NPM: npm i telefonilo.js
  2. Instantiate Telefonilo by calling Telefonilo();. you can pass a selector of the tags containing phone numbers (ex: Telefonilo('#my-phone-number') or Telefonilo('.phone-numbers')) By default Telefonilo lookup for .phone-num classes.


<div class="container">
        If you're on a mobile phone you should click on<span class="phone">0123456789</span>
<script src="../dist/telefonilo.js"></script>
<script>Telefonilo('.phone'); </script>

Using an encryption method

To avoid spam and crawlers, you may want to encrypt phone numbers on your web pages. For example, you're using encryptionFct to encrypt phone numbers when rendering your page:

function encryptionFct(str){
    return str.split('').map(n => (n.charCodeAt(0)+5)).join('-')
// encryptionFct('0123456789') Will return "53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62"
        If you're on a mobile phone you should click on
        <span class="phone">53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62</span>

Then you can load Telefonilo and pass you decryption function, for example

        If you're on a mobile phone you should click on
        <span class="phone">53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62</span>

    <script src="../dist/telefonilo.js"></script>
        var decrypTionFct = function(str) {
            return str.split('-').map(n => String.fromCharCode(n-5)).join('');

        // Initialize Telefonilo inside a captcha-check callback, or after a certain time/event to avoid crawlers
        Telefonilo('.phone', true, decrypTionFct);

Try Telephonilo.js

  • Open examples/example.html in any web browser.
  • If you're not on mobile, you should see the phone number as a normal test.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+M, you should switch to the mobile view, you should see that the phone number became a clickable.


  • Desktop users will see the output as you markup should render
  • Mobile users will see a <a href="tel://xxxx"> link to your phone number
 <p>If you're on a mobile phone you should click on <span class="phone"><a href="tel://0123456789">0123456789</a></span></p> 

Building and testing


# Running unit tests with Jest
$ npm test # Or: npm run watch-tests

# Getting the test coverage, it creates a [./coverage] directory
$ npm run coverage


The file src/telefonilo.js is not production-ready, it exports the private functions in order to test them. To use Telefonilo, you can find two files (minified and unminified verion) in dist/.

# Build with Gulp, it generates two files
$ npm run build

The generated dist/telefonilo.js is a copy of src/telefonilo.js without that peice of code that exports the private functions. To verify run:

$ diff src/telefonilo.js dist/telefonilo.js


  • Write tests. Doing...
  • Setup a test API: Export private functions in developement mode, and strip that piece of code when building the minified function for production usage
  • Accept phone number decryption functions as parameter for decrypting phone numbers (Might be a anti-crawlers solution).


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details