
Simplified, fluent Webpack API with presets. Describe *what* your app needs, not *how*.

MIT License



Webpack simplified in a fluent API with presets & an escape hatch so you're not locked in.


  • Webpack is powerful, but extremely complicated
    for newcomers to use.
  • Merging configuration objects is exceedingly difficult and error-prone.
  • Using Webpack on both the server & client is necessary once you
    leverage Webpack's APIs (e.g. require.context, require.ensure).
  • There are tons of configuration pitfalls that can negatively impact
    your build that you shouldn't have to know about.
  • It's a full-time job keeping up-to-date with the latest build optimizations.
  • Most React boilerplates have similar configuration,
    but no abstraction for composition.

Why Not?

  • You're comfortable with Webpack configuration.
  • You consider abstraction bad (e.g. "magic" or "indirection").
  • You have to get access to the "bare-metal" APIs.
  • TODO - Check Twitter for more cynical responses.


This project attempts to solve these problems via:

  • Built on Webpack2, with the latest advancements.
  • Simple, fluent API that takes the guess-work out.
  • Escape hatch to copy/paste the generated, raw config.
  • Optional .presets for getting started quickly.
  • Functional reducers that you can override to customize the output.
  • Each action creates a new config, so you can easily compose them.

Upcoming features:

  • .presets:
    • .autoinstall() - Install missing dependencies.
    • .conventions() - Default input & output sources.
    • .hot() - Simplify HMR.
    • .offline() - Add offline support to your app.
    • .react() - Quickly get started with React.
  • terse-webpack CLI - Start coding without any initialization.
  • GUI - Get started on a new project with a few clicks.


// webpack.config.js
module.exports = require("@terse/webpack").api()
  .loader("babel", ".js", {
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    query: { cacheDirectory: true },
  .when("development", function(api) {
    return api
        client: [
  1. Generates client.js in the build directory from ./src/client.js.
  2. Parses .js files (excluding node_modules) with Babel.
  3. Searches node_modules and ./lib for non-relative files.
  4. Outputs assets to ./build/client.
  5. Target platform is web (vs. node).
  6. When NODE_ENV is development:
    a. Override client.js to support HMR.
    b. Add npm-install-webpack-plugin to auto-install missing dependencies.
    c. Add HMR support.
    d. Enable source-map-style source maps (e.g. .map files).


I recommend using this against the latest Node + NPM v3.


npm install @terse/webpack


View the example.

Replace the contents of webpack.config.js (and others) with:

module.exports = require("@terse/webpack").api()

It's crucial to call .getConfig() to return the Webpack configuration.

With the upcoming .presets, it'll be as simple as:

module.exports = require("@terse.webpack").api()
  .presets("autoinstall", "hot", "react", "offline")


  • .api([customFeatures[, customReducers]])

    Begins fluent interface, optionally accepted an array of custom features and custom reducers.

  • .alias(name[, pathOrName])

    Maps a package name (e.g. react) to another library (e.g. react-lite) or to a path (e.g. ./node_modules/react).

  • .context(path)

    Config files are relative to this folder. (Default: process.cwd())

  • .env(environment)

    Overrides NODE_ENV (defaults to development) the build is for.

  • .externals(...[Function, RegExp, String])

    Prevents Webpack from bundling matching resources.

  • .loader(name[, extensions = ".js"[, options]])

    Add a loader for the given extension(s) with the given settings.

  • .modules(path)

    Lookup non-relative (e.g. my-cool-lib) modules in this folder as well as node_modules.

  • .node(options)

    Override built-in Node constants & libs (e.g. __dirname, __filename)

  • .output(pathOrOptions)

    Set the output path, or specify the entire Webpack output configuration.

  • .plugin(name, ...args)

    Installed automatically with the given arguments.

  • .preLoader(name[, extensions = ".js"[, options]])

    Just like .loader, but is ran before all other loaders.

  • .sourcemap(type)

    Add a source map to the build.

  • .target(runtime)

    Either node or web.

  • .getConfig()

    Returns the Webpack configuration

    • .toString()

      Returns the Webpack configuration as a string.

  • .getState()

    Returns the normalized configuration (prior to reducing).

    • .toString()

      Returns a string of the normalized configuraiton.


MIT License 2016 © Eric Clemmons

Extracted from project README
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