
It is a text analyzer, word counter and converter.

MIT License


It has the following features:

  • Convert Text to UpperCase
  • Convert Text to LowerCase
  • Convert Text to SentenceCase
  • Encode to base64
  • Clear Text
  • Extract Numbers
  • Extract Links
  • Listen text and stop it
  • Remove white space
  • Remove special characters
  • Copy to clipboard
  • Reverse text
  • Change text
  • Undo action
  • Redo action
  • Preview input text
  • Count characters, words, statements, questions, exclamations


🌝 Light Mode: image

🌚 Dark Mode: image

Contributing 👨‍💻

  • Contributions make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
  • Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
  • Check out our contribution guidelines for more information.

License 🛡️

TextUtils is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Open Source Programs

😎 Project Maintainers